All Ӱ articles in 12 November 2010 – Page 3

  • Tom Broughton

    A riches to rags story


    The sudden suspension on Monday in the shares of Rok - “the nation’s local builder” - would have surprised few in the City.

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    So this is sharing the pain?


    Everybody is asking everybody else for a discount just when they are least able to offer one. We all end up losing out and undermining the relationships we need if we are to thrive

  • Beckton’s waste water treatment facility in east London is the largest sewage works in Europe

    Makes scents


    I read your article “Galliford bags sewage job” (2 November, There is something I have been banging on about for years. I have written several letters to various bodies about this issue: simply that the largest waste water facility in Europe must produce one hell of a lot of ...

  • letter M

    M is for Mediation, N is for Novation

    Baffled by legal jargon? Don’t know ab initio novation from non-binding mediation? Luckily, we can tell you all about it. This week: M and N

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    Hitting the high notes


    The Royal Welsh College of Music & Drama is planning to make a commanding appearance on the Cardiff streetscape under a sleek new roof. Stephen Kennett explains its complex geometry

  • hansom ipod

    Hansom: Stage whispers


    The industry finds itself this week examining vaunting ambition, coming a cropper over a letter and witnessing an epic battle - clearly it’s not only a young Michael Gove who enjoyed Shakespeare

  • microphone

    Return to grub street


    Open mike Remember how grimy our cities were until not so long ago? Well Cabe helped transform them by homing in on design quality, so its demise should worry us all, says Roger Madelin

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    Instant’ green roofs


    An extensive green roof system from Blackdown Horticultural Consultants has been installed at the Centre for Disability Studies at Rochford in Essex.Designed by Simmonds Mills Architects, the £1.3m facility has 720m2 of Blackdown’s Extensive Nature Mat Green Roof System, which was specified as part of a sustainable building package designed ...

  • Features

    Green roof membrane


    Delta Membrane Systems has launched the Delta-Floraxx range of coverings for green roof applications.

  • Richard Steer

    What’s going on?


    The ’resurgence in construction activity’ is proving difficult to detect in the real world. And even if growth does take off, it’ll be a long time before we feel the benefit

  • Comment

    Outlook: gloomy


    I agree that the industry is in decline. I thought a trade would serve me for life but now with an ever-increasing amount of red tape I feel that many people like me would opt for another career

  • Ӱ

    Timber frame loses popularity


    Timber frame’s share of the new build housing market dropped from 75% to 68% in Scotland during 2009

  • Tony Bingham

    Four little letters that say ‘pay up’


    Here’s another contract-not-in-writing-so-you-can’t-go-to-adjudication-but-do-anyway-so-everyone-ends-up-in-the-High-Court case. With a twist …

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    Private sector steps in to fill gap left by public work


    Business barometer: Willmott Dixon tops the chart buoyed by £41m public sector contract

  • Comment

    Don't speak too soon


    This week’s latest survey from the Chartered Institute of Purchasing & Supply (Cips) confirms recent warnings from the Scottish Ӱ Federation that the rise in construction output witnessed in the early part of this year was never going to last

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    Quentin Shears: Evolve or die!


    For almost my entire career, we quantity surveyors have been told that we must evolve or die. This has never really bothered me, although I’d hate to think of the chain ending with me and Richard Steer.

  • Private developers montage

    How to win work with private developers


    After the public sector’s recent shellacking in the spending review, everyone wants work from private developers. Emily Wright talks to nine of the biggest private clients of UK construction to find out what they’ve got to offer and what they’re looking for from you

  • Q1 construction costs in France

    Country focus: France


    Investors remain prudent, but France is weathering the economic storm pretty well - and offering opportunities that need to be acted on now. Patrick Leniston of EC Harris reports

  • Ӱ

    Costain shores up pensions


    Costain will sink six PFI contracts into the firm’s pension scheme in a bid to reduce its pension deficit by £22m.

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    Contractors wrestle for Rok


    Source close to sale says 10-15 firms are in talks; Collapse leaves £100m owing to supply chain