All ¾«¶«Ó°ÊÓ articles in 2003 issue 44

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    My take


    Buying Ballast's northern division

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    Supplier-led solutions


    Although it is hard to disagree with the majority of Egan's basic views (24 October, page 42), by drawing on his experience in the car industry, he actually did the construction industry a disservice.

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    Trickey's situations


    The diary of a Devonshire property manager

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    Where are the opportunities?


    I am fed up reading about the industry's lack of profile and appeal.

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    Strength in numbers


    Reading "Repeat after me: 'Yes I can run your project'", I was taken back 30 years, to when I read Interdependence and Uncertainty, a report by the The Tavistock Institute, which had researched the construction professions and found that each one saw itself as pre-eminent.Sadly, little seems to have changed, ...

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    A lone rider's rights


    If you are considering becoming self-employed you must be aware of contractual, tax and legal implications

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    Local lowdown


    Our regional series continues as Robert Smith of recruitment consultant Hays Montrose checks out job prospects in and around the M3/M4 corridor

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    Too little, too late


    "Four Pads" Prescott is in a pickle over housing again – and not just with his domestic arrangements.

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    Wembley welders laid off


    Steel contractor Cleveland Bridge has laid off 96 welders working on Wembley Stadium.

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    Zaha's latest Italian outfit


    This is the interior of Zaha Hadid's design for the Afragola station in Naples, southern Italy. As well as a train station, the development includes a nature and technology park, with agricultural experimentation centres, sports facilities and an exhibition centre. The station will cover about 20,000 m2 and could be ...

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    Rail sector 'naive and immature'


    A leading QS has warned that the rail industry needs to radically change how it works with consultants and contractors if it is to deliver improvements to the network

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    The Hawksmoor mystery


    Julian Anderson has spent the past two years chronicling the restoration of Christ Church in Spitalfields, east London. Over the next eight pages, we show a selection of his photographs of the work in progress. What they do not reveal is the story behind the restoration.

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    This week, politics gets in the way of a perfectly good lunch, Network Rail gets a kick in the couplings and yet more on the battle of the biscuits

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    Hired guns


    A successful career in construction doesn't have to be restricted to years of loyal service in one company. In fact, as we find out, more people are now jumping from firm to firm as freelancers – opting for better rates of pay, more free time and greater flexibility

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    Going places


    How (and why) to go freelance – plus your legal rights and tips from someone who knows

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    Tender price forecast: North-west leads the way


    London is still suffering from the office sector slump, according to Davis Langdon & Everest, which is dampening inflation and keeping tender price increases to a minimum. But UK output as a whole has continued its steady increase – especially in the booming North-west

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    UCATT fears over foreign workers at Home Office


    Union complains to home secretary over Bouygues' refusal to grant reps access to government HQ site.

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    Sheltered by Mother Earth


    The tale of the three little pigs could take on a new meaning for children at an Old Kent Road nursery, which is built not of straw or sticks, but rammed earth. We went on site to find out how it was done

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    Watchdog seeks QS to explain Holyrood debacle


    Audit Scotland tenders for consultant to help it find reasons for parliament's disastrous cost overrun.

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    David Curry


    Unless we can stop the flight of public sector workers out of London and the South-east, we haven't a ghost of a chance of improving services