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Who passes the Higgs tests? - Top five listed consultants
CompanyÌýChairman/CEOÌýChairman’s historyÌýExecutive/non-executive board breakdown
Atkins FailMike JeffriesFailPreviously chief executive PassedTwo executive; five non-executive
Hyder PassedSir Alan Thomas/ Tim WadePassedJoined as chairmanFailThree executive; two non-executive
Capita PassedRod Aldridge/ Paul Pindar PassedWas part of management buyout that created companyFailFour executive; three non-executive
Waterman PassedWilliam Mathieson/ Robert Campbell PassedJoined in 1993 non-executive; as 1995 became non-exec chairman FailFive executive; three non-executive
White Young GreenPassedGareth Cooper/ Richard Brayson PassedAppointed non-executive director in 1998 FailThree executive; two non-executive
Who passes the Higgs tests? - Top five listed contractors
Company ÌýChairman/CEO ÌýChairman’s historyÌýExecutive/non-executive board breakdown
Amec FailedSidney Gillibrand/ Sir Peter Mason PassedCame in as independent chairmanPassedFive executive, six non-executive
Balfour Beatty PassedViscount Weir/ Mike Welton FailedJoined as a director in 1977; chairman since 1996Passedseven executive, seven non-executive
Taylor Woodrow PassedRobert Hawley/ Iain Napier FailedJoined in 1998 as a director; appointed chairman in 1999PassedThree executive, five non-executive
Carillion PassedSir Neville Simms/ John McDonough FailedWorked for Carillion since 1970, as part of the former TarmacPassedThree executive, four non-executive
Wimpey PassedJohn Robinson/ Peter Johnson PassedAppointed non-executive director in 1998PassedFour executive, five non-executive