
Read our policy.

Substructural flooring systems
floor surfacingSummary ratingClimate changeFossil fuel depletionOzone depletionHuman toxicity to airWaste disposalWater extractionAcid depositionEcotoxicityEutrophicationSummer smogMinerals extractionCost £/m2Replacement interval (years)
Chipboard on timber battensABBAAAABAAAA20-2430
Deep (500 mm) raised access floor with steel stingersCCCBCCCCBCCC38-6930
Shallow (150 mm) raised access floor with steel stingersCCCBCCCCBCCC33-6430
Shallow raised flooring system – chipboard on galvanised steel profiled decking BBBAABCBAABB30-3530
A equals least environmental impact/good environmental performance, with B and C ratings increasing in their environmental impact.
(Excerpt from Green Guide to Specification)