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A typical week’s look-ahead form filled out by trade contractors
How building contractor Simons performed in the week from 16 November 1998
Activity Make-ready needs Target % Mon Tue Wed Thur Fri Sat Sun Complete % Reason for delay
Public WCs                      
Install laminated panels   100           80 late materials
Install toilet cubicles laminated panels in place 100           100  
Install mirrors   100           0 change in priorities
BAA signage   100           80 supplier pre-requisite
Doors and ironmongery prime/undercoat frames 100           50 supplier pre-requisite
Reclaim Hall                      
Install magnagrid ceiling services 60           60 insufficient labour
Hang CIBA GEIGY panels   60           60  
B/Work to G.L 42   100             0 pm/cm pre-requisite
Remove hoarding 12 airside/landside barrier in place 50             0 pm/cm pre-requisite
Terracotta bulkhead   100           0 materials not delivered
Workable backlog                      
Firestop G.L 42 services complete 100           100  
Cost data
Package Cost (£)
Floor finishes 11 137
Customer service desks 4 626
Baggage handling 616 000
General building work 1 001 000
Services 659 816
Ductwork 145 883
Fire alarms 50 068
Total construction
(with sundries and overheads)
2 773 832
Project fees 864 057
Planning, etc 51 570
Design development and construction efficiency 20 937
Risk and inflation 117 585
Total cost 3 827 981