
Read our policy.

Key clients and contacts in higher education
Contact Telephone number
Oxford University Peter Hill 01865-270000
Cambridge University DM Adamson 01223-337770
Imperial College, London Ian Caldwell 0171-589 5111
King’s College, London Jeffrey McCarthy 0171-836 5454
Warwick University Bob Gray 01203-523523
York University Len Brindley 01904-430000
University of Nottingham Chris Jagger 0115-951 5151
Sheffield Hallam University Alex Pettifer 0114-225 5555
Oxford Brookes University Ian King 01865-483208
Information sources    
Wellcome Trust: www.wellcome.ac.uk or tel 0171-611 7266, Higher Education Funding Council for England: tel 0117-931 7317