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Data Planning approvals in May
Activity was highest in the South-east and North-west but is still slow in Northern Ireland
Regional approvals
RegionNo of applicationsNo of units
1  Scotland5238
2  Northern Ireland128
3  North-west14492
4  North6186
5  Yorkshire and Humberside20739
6  Wales110
7  West Midlands354
8  East Midlands6311
9  East Anglia5250
10 London297
11 South-east11331
12 South-west7243
Includes all planning approvals for houses, bungalows and chalets, apartments and flats, 10 units and above, within the UK. Refurbishment schemes are excluded
This data is provided by Glenigan, the development monitoring service. More than 10,000 new UK housing projects are tracked by Glenigan and this information is used by housebuilders to quickly spot new sites and to identify potential land sales as soon as they become available. For details contact Marcus Oughton, projects editor: marcus.oughton@glenigan.emap.com For a FREE TRIAL to Glenigan’s service visit or call 0800-373771