
Read our policy.

Table 1 The six base scenarios
ÌýThree glazing scenarios
Ìý% internally measured transparency
Two system scenariosDisplacement ventilation and chilled beams100 75 40
ÌýFan-coil unit1007540
Table 2 The 18 carbon reduction strategies
¾«¶«Ó°ÊÓ servicesEnvelope
1 Lighting load reduced from 15W/m2 to 12W/m213 Use of internal shading devices
2 Chiller EER* improved from 2.5 to 3.4: air-cooled14 Use of external shading devices
3 Chiller EER* improved from 2.5 to 4: air-cooled15 U-value of glazing improved from 2.2 to 1.8
4 Chiller EER* improved from 2.5 to 5: water-cooled16 Solar control glazing (g %3D 0.37; solar %3D 0.6)
5 Boiler efficiency improved from 81% to 89%17 Air permeability rate improved to 5m3/hr/m2
6 SFP reduced from 2.0W to 1.5W18 Air permeability rate improved to 3m3/hr/m2
7 Heat recovery (plates-65%; SFP%3D2.0) EER: energy efficiency ratio
8 Heat recovery (plates-65%; SFP%3D2.5) AHU: air handling unit
9 Leakage test ductwork improved to Class BSFP: specific fan power
10 AHU** air-leakage test improved to Class L1BMS: building management system
11 Lighting metering provided and connected to BMSg: emmisivity
12 Power factor improved to %3E 0.95WSolar: solar transmission coefficiency
Table 3 - Carbon Reduction ranked according to cost effectiveness
ÌýCost of initiative (£/m2 GIFA*)Carbon emissions reduction (kg of CO2/m2/pa)Investment effectiveness (kg of CO2 reduction/£)Cost of initiative (£/m2 GIFA)Carbon emissions reduction (kg of CO2/m2/pa)Investment effectiveness (kg of CO2 reduction/£)
Glazing proportion40% glazing100% glazing
Part L compliant emissions40kg43kg
1Reduce lighting load by 20%3.52-
2Improve AHU leakage to class L10.40-
3Substitute chilled beams for 4-pipe fan coils8.75-
4Specify solar control glazing, g %3D 0.376.13-2.80.515.32-4.70.3
5Boiler efficiency improved to 89%0.90-
6Solar control glazing6.13-2.40.415.32-4.70.3
7Specific Fan Power reduction to 1.56.90-
8Water cooled chiller ERR %3D 512.58-4.00.312.58-4.70.4
9Power Factor correction improved to %3E0.953.40-
10Improve ductwork leakage to Class B6.50-
11External shading devices30.88-
12Internal blinds5.36-
ÌýTotal cost of carbon reduction initiatives91.45ÌýÌý117.88ÌýÌý
* GIFA: gross internal floor area
Table 4 - Assessment of occupier benefits of reduced carbon emissions *
ÌýAnnual saving £/100m2Present value of saving** £ total
25% carbon reduction
Gas and electricity730£1,640,000
50% carbon reduction
Gas and electricity1,460£3,280,000
* Based on the 40% glazed option
** Calculated on the basis of GIFA %3D 11,250m2, and a year's purchase @ 5%
*** Calculated on the basis of *1.25/EU emissions allowance (equivalent to 1 tonne of carbon emissions)