Your article on 3D modelling brought back memories of a project I was working on 10 years ago with a small group lead by Dr Stephen Drewer, then reader in the faculty of the built environment at the University of the West of England.

This group was developing the concept that the single building model can be effectively developed to provide a spatial database that can act as the integrating spine of an information system. The approach was that this spine would link all the functional subsystems such as design, planning, construction, use, operation, maintenance and demolition, and facilitate the easy building of a through-life model.

If anyone is interested in pursuing this topic, a starting point would be a paper written with Guy Hazlehurst and Roden Buxton for the CIB W78 Conference in 1997 titled Implementation of Single Ӱ Modelling Technologies into the Management Phase of the Property Cycle.

Terry Pitt, M2 Consultants
