Your opening statement “Ask anyone in construction what the biggest problem they face is and there is just one answer: the skills shortage” (16 September) caught my attention. Is the skills shortage really the biggest problem for construction people?
As a chartered civil engineer and builder turned business performance coach, I have facilitated over 350 construction industry workshops over the last six years. During these workshops I survey people on their top three big issues. From the responses the biggest issue, by a long way, is “not enough time”. The skills shortage, currently with 6% of the vote, is in sixth place.
So where is our people power? Maybe it’s being diminished by too many meetings, sorting paperwork and trying to keep on top of hundreds of emails with huge attachments containing everything from everybody. Skills shortage? Yes, apparently. Coping with competing demands? Yes, definitely and on the increase.
David Stitt, DSA Ӱ Performance director
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