Contractors Comment – Page 10
2015’s pipeline looks strong
As 2014 draws to a close there are still plenty of reasons to be optimistic about the performance of the construction industry
Managing the unknown unknowns
We can’t afford to be ignorant of what goes on in our supply chains, the risks are just too great …
Only connect
Young people are turning their noses up at the idea of a career in construction but it’s our industry and education providers who are to blame - we simply aren’t doing enough to engage them
The bigger picture
Concerns about what is, for now, a slight blip in output figures would be better directed at thinking how to build the industry’s capacity to grow
Diagnosing the drop
The latest construction output figures show that the industry remains in a relatively healthy position
Without stopping for breath
Work on the Government Construction Strategy continues apace, but there’s still lots to do
Nearly there
The go-ahead on the Hinkley nuclear project is a huge boost for the UK construction industry, though there remains one potential roadblock
Your local builder
As George Osborne discusses devolving greater powers to UK cities, it’s more important than ever to build strong relationships with local decision-makers
Waiting for a green light
Firms already taking up carbon-reducing policies have found a wealth of advantages beyond helping the environment. Those waiting until government legislation comes in may miss out
Where next for Balfour?
After a fifth profit warning in two years, the firm needs to rebuild trust with the City, as well as with clients and suppliers.
Singapore is running hot
The gateway to booming South-east Asia, Singapore also has a thriving construction market in its own right
Tory conference: Lively but with little housing direction
Despite grassroots support the Conservative party, like Labour, doesn’t seem committed to the housebuilding push we need
A better mix
We must work harder to recruit the top talent in construction, which means having a better variety in terms of age, ethnicity, background and sexuality
Labour has got ambition but no cash
The Labour party conference reveals much positive policy but without some spending it may not add up to much
Weak commercial output
The latest construction output figures show that the industry remains in a relatively healthy position
Labour conference: No borrowing for building
A fretful conference saw Labour tighten its stance on austerity, ruling out extra borrowing for capital spending
Independence vote: a collective sigh of relief
Whatver your views on the referendum, for Scottish construction a “no” means a number of tricky issues are sidestepped
Farewell Greg Fitzgerald
I’ll be sorry to see the Galliford Try boss go but he has done his bit for the firm and the industry
Little Britain blog: no choppy waters
With calm water sailing, talk at the construction industry regatta was of the difficulties posed by the improving economic climate