All Deloittle London crane survey articles
London office starts plunged by nearly half between April and September
Refurbishment projects in the capital also dived by 57% as spooked developers hold fire on schemes
Office refurb work hits all-time high in London, crane survey shows
Total new office starts up 80%Â
New London office starts jump 10% as working from home novelty wears thin
Deloitte crane survey says developers brushing off worries workers will stay at home for good
London office starts up 20% as commercial sector roars back into action
More than half of schemes are major refurbishments
London office construction hits record high but covid-19 sends developers’ confidence tumbling
Survey says schemes due to finish this year will be delayed into 2021
Tech sector overtakes financial services to lead demand for new London office space, crane survey says
Deloitte’s crane survey reveals start-ups shunning secondhand office space to win and retain staff
Talent on the move: there's a tug of war for skills in the contractor market
Will we have enough of the right people to build our projects to the right standards and at the right price?