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Lower Cost Measures.$Cavity Wall Insulation to Main Walls Energy Saving (per year)(Years) Loft Insulation Top up to 250mm.Existing cavity has none.!Existing:- 100mm loft insulation.@Lay 150mm thick glass fibre insulation over existing insulation.+Hot Water Cylinder and Pipework Insulation.0Existing: - No insulation & uninsulated cylinder/Add insulation to cylinder size 450mm x 1200mm.NoXAdd insulation to pipework including lifting up floor boards and replacing as necessary.mTotal of Lower Cost Items2. Higher Cost Measures.Condensing Boiler. Existing:- Mains Gas Back Boiler>Upgrade of boiler to high efficiency (91.3%) condensing boiler0Installation of a Full Heating Controls Package.TExisting:- No controls, assume that radiators are in place (and not need replacing).Digital programmerThermostatic radiator valvesTotal of Higher Cost Measures3. Further Measures.Double GlazingWindows low level900mm x 1200mm overall size.1800mm x 1800mm overall size.Windows high level900mmx 1200mm overall size1200mm x 1200mm overall size.1500mm x 1200mm overall size.Doors1000mm x 1200mm overall sizeSolar Water HeaterExisting:- None.Thermal panel (flat plate type)Main Ground Floor.Existing:- Uninsulated solid concrete (assumed that there is a traditionally built suspended floor built on top of a solid ground floor slab).MLift up and leave aside softwood skirting board and re-fix, re-decorate laterWLift up existing floor boards and supply and lay 150mm thick insulation between joists Notes.FExisting:- All single glazed throughout (all sizes have been assumed).7Add insulation into cavity walls (page 451, BCIS book)..Improve Insulation Level (page 445, BCIS book)GAdd Insulation to Plumbing Installations (pages 455 and 456, BCIS book)Additional Works to Plumbing Installations (derived from Cyril Sweett report A cost review of the Code for Sustainable Homes dated Feb 2007).KAdditional Works to Plumbing Installations (Generally page 267, BCIS book).=Delayed start thermostat (Cyril Sweett report - refer above).Booster Pump (Assumed). ~Replace single glazed external windows & doors with double glazed uPVC doors and windows (Pages 143, 147 and 148 - BCIS book).eAdditional Works to Plumbing Installations (Energy Savings Trust leaflet entitled "Solar Hot Water").*NB - Taken for the ground floor slab only.SAdditional Works to Floors (Pro-rata that contained in pages 200 & 422, BCIS book).Total of Other Cost Measuresr4. Other Cost Measures (That are implied in the report but not specifically included as a cost effective measure).Total Cost of Further MeasuresNB - on a solid floor slab without a suspended floor, consider additional cost of adjustments to door openings (remove door, increase lintol height and refix doors) as well as other possible adjustments like raising heights of electrical sockets and build-in items (kitchen units) etc. 3. Only those measures indicated in the sample report have been considered. There are other measures that could be included such as draughtstripping of all external and internal doors, better ventilation details, use of biomass boilers, wind turbines (provided that the average wind speed is more than 4.5m/s, Energy Savings Trust or 13 m/s, other sources), photovoltaic panels, heat recovery ventilation, increased insulation works to either the external face or internal faces of the property and ground sourced heat pumps.%3Uplift to Current Costs (4th Quarter 2007 Forecast)2. Energy Saving Costs per year have been derived from "Domestic Energy Primer - an introduction to energy efficiency in existing homes" published by the Energy Savings Trust (1) and that indicated by ESD per Ӱ Magazine article dated 7th July 2006 (2). Based on Costs incl VAT @ 17.5%Based on Costs incl VAT @ 5%Based on Costs excl VAT G1. All costs sourced from the BCIS Housing Repair Cost Guide 2006 except where indicated, therefore they all include VAT as indicated above. The costs have been updated to present day costs (2nd Quarter 2007) and are based on nationally average UK prices (location factor 1), they must be adjusted to suit regional differences.Ro% &us'(N)*+d-; 0 4zcc  $}=N9cVu40  dMbP?_*+%3T&L&F&C&P of &N&R&D&T'?(?)RQ?M\\isprlg01\BLD_HP2600_1 8@4 4XX<@  <@ 3 <@ SDDMHP Color LaserJet 2600n Zd" DXX??U} } /}  } } U }  } U } } } } } U } } } }  } U } } } }  } *@Z`w@;K@ K@ K@    Y@@;@@@@;\;;@;x@;@@  " (~ $@ 00 .00 0  $ . 0  b c d e f f f g hi j z g hi j z g hi j k%!!S ; ?    ;  ?   ; ?  ~ m[@ . && K  L  M0m/&&&<C'n|<C'n|<C'nm 0,&&&<C'n|<C'n|<C'n0m/&&&<C'n|<C'n|<C'nm 08,&&&<C'n|<C'n|<C'n0m/&&&<C'n|<C'n|<C'nm 0H I~ J@@~J@@hD@Item@  @$;D% DDdDD"BA$JLM'nLM'nLM'n0m/HIKKKLM'nLM'nLM'no TI'UŹQ@d VH~ W@@~WH@hD@Item@  @$;D% DDdDD"BA#X@ %Y b@Z? [' p@DDA0 }٨lT@D?? Y b@Z? 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