ࡱ> #` Ebjbj5G5G 1tW-W-=NNNNNNNb%%%%&bG2&&&&&'''zG|G|G|G|G|G|G$-IhKHGN(''((GNN&&G8*8*8*(N&N&zG8*(zG8*8*CNNE&& Pݢ*%B):ZDEG0GrD8K|)K0EKNE$'0'"8*'''''GG"*'''G((((bbb&bbb&bbbNNNNNN Pines Calyx Health and Sustainability Design Strategy and DetailsObjectives Strategies/featuresImpactDetailsSustainable site development  Reduce site disturbance and soil erosion during construction Use of natural drainage systems (e.g., swales) Preserve or restore natural site features  Improved site aesthetics Greater public support for the development and accelerated local approval process, hence lower carrying costs. Kept site as small as possible Wherever possible, construction has occurred on site rather than relying on off site preparation The building design is inconspicuous, unobtrusive and works with the contours and character of the landscape. The construction is partly underground and the turf roof blends the building back into the landscape. When construction is complete, there will be more grass on the site than before original excavations took place. External landscaping features are in keeping with the surrounding public gardens. Timber removed from the site or immediate vicinity has been utilized in the construction process of the building. This is outlined in more detail below. Excavated material (principally chalk) has been incorporated into the construction of the building. The rammed chalk walls for example negated its conventional disposing as waste. The potential usage as opposed to disposal of surplus material was researched and implemented within the local community, for example in agricultural land management. Reducing, reusing and recycling as much material as possible during construction, in conjunction with the main contractors detailed policy on sustainable site management. The completed building will work with existing ecosystems as well as introducing further habitats. The living earth roof for example will support existing and enhance further biodiversity. Organic landscaped public gardens/spaces for occupants to enjoy. Deciduous trees will filter the glare from the low winter sun within the building. The later addition of external water pools outside the windows will enable natural light to be reflected back onto the ceiling of the building. The philosophy, design and material usage of the building respects and is harmonious with the overall character of the landscape. Occupants will benefit from a variety of beautiful and uninterrupted views. Those on the outside of the building will also benefit from the uninterrupted public landscape as the building is harmonious with its place both visually and in terms of its design to work with natural systems.  Landscape and orient building to capitalize on passive heating and cooling Lower energy costs. The structure is south facing with glazing only on the roof and south faces maximizing the light and warmth of its position. The building will have a very high thermal mass due to its part underground construction. This thermal mass enables a significant reduction in artificial means of heating and cooling. Water efficiency Use captured rainwater for landscaping, toilet flushing, etc Treat and re-use greywater, excess groundwater, and steam condensate Use low-flow fixtures and fittings Use closed-loop systems and other water reduction technologies for processes  Lower water consumption/costs.The use of natural aquifer water, rainwater runoff feeds back into this system. The sewage and grey water is being utilized as a beneficial resource rather than being considered as waste. The sewage and grey water will be fed through a specialized natural reed bed filter system and the clean water will be used in the maintenance of the landscape. The reed bed will add further habitats to the garden and will therefore aid in conserving the species native to this part of Kent. Using a grass roof will reduce the rate and rapidity of water runoff; this reduces the storm water management infrastructure. Energy efficiency Use passive solar heating/cooling and natural ventilation Use of heating/energy system orientated to renewable resources. Enhance penetration of daylight to interior spaces to reduce need for artificial lighting Use thermally efficient envelope to reduce perimeter heating and size of HVAC.  Lower capital costs Occupant benefits Lower energy costs. Calculations on the energy usage of the building indicate 85% less energy consumption than a conventionally built building of the same size. A 30-meter underground earth tube is installed. The earth tube works in conjunction with a heat exchange unit. 100% fresh air enters all occupied spaces within the building and used/warm air from inside the building will be returned and drawn through the heat exchange unit, thus heating the cooler air entering the building. The process will be unobtrusive, silent and continual during occupancy. A small biomass unit will be installed to increase the temperature within the building during cold weather. This will work with the natural sources of heating already in place. The biomass unit will be installed at an optimum position to allow its use in a district heating system whereby it will serve the needs of additional buildings in close proximity on site. The fuel is locally sourced from the site and the biomass will be sustainably managed. External heating (from biomass source) will only be necessary at very cold times and then just when the building is unoccupied 2 underfloor coils in the 2 main spaces provide sufficient back up heating for these occasions. Natural cooling will occur in the summertime through the earth-chilled air entering the building. The structure is south facing with glazing only on the roof and south faces maximizing the light and warmth of its position. The use of triple and double-glazed wooden framed window units will further benefit from thermal curtains to be drawn when required over the winter months. The roof lights will utilize a new product developed in Scandinavia. This product will provide a very effective solution for the roof lights, which are traditionally one of the greatest areas of heat loss within a building. The thermal Scandinavian product has a U value of 0.4, compared to the building regulation requirements of 2.2. This can additionally be compared to a Triple glazed unit with the U value of 1.1 and a conventionally built 250mm brick wall with a U value of 0.3. Solar shading will be used to minimize the direct sunlight onto the occupants of the building and the later addition of external water pools outside the windows will enable natural light to be reflected back onto the ceiling of the building. By using chalk to construct the walls, it is giving the building thermal mass to maintain a more constant temperature inside the building all year round. The thermal mass is enhanced by layers of 240 mm of insulation on external walls and underneath the concrete floor slab. The domed roof will also have a minimum of 150 mm of soil below the living earth roof which will be a valuable additional feature greatly improving the thermal mass. By providing significant daylighting in all main spaces, the building will require a minimal amount of artificial lighting. Low energy products are being utilized and the light colours of the natural materials used within the building will compliment lighting needs. A solar hot water system is installed. Planning and research regarding future potential means of energy supply will be ongoing. Technologies will include wind and solar. These options have been investigated during the planning stages, but are not viable at this early stage, apart from the solar panels and some use of photo-voltaics. Any additional requirements for electricity are sourced from green electricity providers.  Use energy management systems, monitoring, and controls to continuously calibrate, adjust, and maintain energy-related systems.  Operational savings (can offset higher capital costs) Reduced capital cost of mechanical systems because control systems reduce the need for oversizing. Testing lighting options on site before installation will minimize the quantity and maximize the efficiency. Earth tube and heat exchange system provides high efficiency heating and cooling for the building. Undertake in-depth energy (CO2) appraisal within the design process Use third-party commissioning agent to ensure that the installed systems work as designed Develop O&M manuals and train staff.  Lower operating costs Lower maintenance costs. Independent lighting engineers will assess the light levels in order to optimize quality and efficiency. Operating manuals for the building will be produced to ensure energy efficient operations are maintained. Those working within the building will be trained as to how and why the systems are in place.Indoor environmental quality  Control pollutant sources Use low-emission materials Ventilate before occupancy Enhance penetration of daylight and reduce glare Provide outdoor views Provide individual occupant controls when possible.  Superior indoor air quality, quality lighting and thermal quality Fewer occupant complaints Higher occupant productivity. By using chalk for the walls and clay for the dome, it is giving the building thermal mass to maintain a more constant temperature inside the building all year round. Materials such as these will additionally regulate the relative humidity ensuring a drier and comfortable indoor environment even when the building is occupied to capacity. The ability for chalk and clay to absorb and desorb atmospheric moisture will aid this process. As previously outlined above, the installation of a natural heat exchange unit, which will draw warm air from underground to heat and cool the building in conjunction with the 30-metre earth tube. The round, domed design offers exceptional acoustic qualities which further enable the building to be specifically suited to its purpose. Design as a multi purpose building facilitates adaptable and flexible features and spaces for a huge range of functions, conferences and events. Use of internal materials from construction through to decoration and maintenance ensure that harmful pollutants and toxic emissions are not released. Deciduous trees will filter the glare from the low winter sun within the building. The later addition of external water pools outside the window will enable natural light to be reflected back onto the ceiling of the building. The lighting within the building will rely predominantly on external natural light. The artificial lighting has been designed to deliver optimum physiological benefit, with varying colour and light levels at different times of the day. Chalk and clays within the rammed earth walls and roof tiles are hydroscopic, releasing or absorbing moisture is response to changing local atmospheric conditions. Studies have proven that earth walls are very effective in regulating the internal relative humidity to between 40 and 60%. This property of unstabilised earth walls reduces stress on the building fabric and improves indoor air quality, removing asthma triggers and reducing respiratory diseases. Reduced consumption of building materials (thinking local and sustainable)  Select products for durability Eliminate unnecessary finishes and other products Reuse building shell from existing buildings and fixtures from demolished buildings Use salvaged/refurbished materials Design for adaptability.  Longer building lifecycle Lower maintenance costs. Earth building has the lowest amount of embodied energy of any masonry material, this has minimized the use of cement, which accounts for 10% of global CO2 emissions in the world, and has similar construction attributes. Excavated material (principally chalk) has been incorporated into the construction of the building. The rammed chalk walls for example negated its conventional disposing as waste. The potential usage as opposed to disposal of surplus material was researched and implemented within the local community, for example in agricultural land management. The local clay used for the dome tiles was a waste product from a local quarry. The chalk and clay would conventionally have been considered and disposed of as waste products. Construction involving such materials has reduced potential landfill and saved energy on what would have been necessary transportation away from the site. The chalk construction has been assessed and findings indicate that it is nearly 3 times cheaper than conventional brick construction. The rammed chalk walls and tiled roof domes require no plastering or finishing products such as paints or artificial stains. The maintenance of these materials is minimal. Part of the process of choosing the products in construction of the building has involved the consideration of low embodied energy and amount of transportation to site. Examples in the building include; clay/hemp bricks, lime bricks and local FSC timber. A recycling system was set up on site to deal with waste and minimize landfill use. Sourcing materials from suppliers with a closed loop recycling system has been focused upon (that is, the taking back of the product after its lifecycle in the building). The building will have a long lifecycle. Examples of earth buildings remain at around 8,000 years old. The building will have a long life ahead and its design and future management will ensure that during its life, it will continue to work with natural systems and respond to environmental issues, for example biodiversity enhancement, sustainability and reducing consumption of traditional fossil fuels. The natural materials used in construction originated from the site itself. At the end of the lifecycle of the building, a significant amount of material can be returned to the earth as they have been used in their natural or semi natural state. The construction process has involved consideration of the suppliers and manufacturers of the building products in relation to their minimizing and managing waste and consumption levels that they produce. Selecting products that are local and sustainable and have no or minimal environmental impact in their production and life time. Less transport and environmental impact/costs Developing new building skill sets for local building workforce and new sustainable building methodologies benefiting local community and economy. Excavated material (principally chalk) has been incorporated into the construction of the building. The rammed chalk walls for example negated its conventional disposing as waste. The potential usage as opposed to disposal of surplus material was researched and implemented within the local community, for example in agricultural land management. The local clay used for the dome tiles incorporated a waste product from a local quarry. The chalk and clay would conventionally have been considered and disposed of as waste products. Construction involving such materials has reduced potential landfill and saved energy on what would have been necessary transportation away from the site. Timber removed from the site or immediate vicinity has been utilized in the construction process of the building wherever possible. Additional timber requirements have utilized FSC timbers and timber from sustainable managed forests. Ӱ relationships with local suppliers and manufacturers  This framework is, in part, that used within the RICS International Study Green Value (Published 24.10.05). The report highlights how green buildings could make money if there was greater recognition of the extra staff productivity that green features or strategies bring. The report also recognizes that there needs to be more green buildings if their true value and potential are to be maximized. 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