All Finance articles – Page 180
Mouchel is target of hostile bid
Consultant reveals it has been approached after profit warnings and falls in share price
Shepherd edges into the black despite falling turnover
Contractor’s full-year results show turnover down 43% but loss is reversed
Berkeley reports 18.5% rise in half-year pre-tax profit
Housebuilder’s results exceed expectations as board predicts outperformance for year overall
Citywatch:Â costly for costain
Costain took the biggest hit from the City this past week, and understandably so
Telford profit plummets 65%
Profit at east London housebuilder Telford fell by 65% over the past six months after it dramatically scaled back land-buying during the recession.
Irwins falls victim to austerity drive: 56 jobs go
Leeds-based contractor Irwins has collapsed with the loss of 56 jobs after falling victim to a sudden reductions in public sector work triggered by the government’s austerity drive, writes Michael Glackin.
Capita Symonds: we’ll be No 1 in property management
Consultant will overtake CBRE and Jones Lang LaSalle in UK property management turnover
Mouchel confirms Deloitte will undertake targeted business review
Infrastructure maintenance group agrees to review as part of £180m debt refinancing process
Construction activity keeps growing slowly
Only housebuilding fails to rise, while overall confidence reaches a five-month high
Costain reassured over £22m owed on Belvedere job
Costain told main contractor AE&E Inova has refinancing plan
Balfour to set up £750m infrastructure fund
Constractor giant will sell off PFI under new strategy
Telford profits drop by two thirds
New chief executive as housebuilder reports ’planned’ downsizing
Welsh cladding firm Glamalco goes under
Administration move hits 140 jobs and 100 subcontractors
Watchdog to investigate Connaught accounts
Accountancy regulator says investigation will consider role of auditor PwC
Contractor Irwins goes bust
Fifty-six jobs lost as Yorkshire builder hit by public spending cuts
Risk of insolvency
When giants like Connaught and Rok go into freefall, they often knock out others on their way down. Roxane McMeeken asks the experts how SMEs can protect themselves from insolvency higher up the supply chain
Irish crisis spreads to UK as McCabe suspends site work
Irish contractor stops work on UK sites as it awaits decision from banking rescue fund