All Housing articles – Page 378

  • Features

    Cost model: Prefabrication and preassembly


    How can prefabrication and preassembly deliver the buildings that clients and designers aspire to? In this cost model, Davis Langdon & Everest looks at case studies of recent applications of preassembly techniques

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    Cost study: Housing for young people


    Harlow Foyer, a Housing Forum demonstration project for housing young people, used timber-frame construction and partnering principles to come in on time and on budget.

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    Cost model: Procuring social housing


    The Housing Corporation is pushing housing associations into adopting the partnering and prefabrication ethos of the Egan agenda. Davis Langdon & Everest looks at how they are responding to the challenges of smart procurement, with case studies from two pathfinding schemes

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    Cost study: Day centres and sheltered housing


    How much should a PFI care home cost? This study looks at where the money went on a £2.19m design-and-build contract for two day centres and sheltered housing for 50 elderly people in west London. Compiled by ECD Architects and Head Projects

  • Features

    Cost model: Urban design and infrastructure


    Infrastructure and public realm projects are a key component of the strategies to regenerate urban districts drawn up by Lord Rogers’ taskforce. Davis Langdon & Everest, with urban designer EDAW, examine the funding, procurement and cost of the schemes that will bring people back to the city

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    Cost study: Sustainable low-energy housing


    Sixteen sustainable low-energy houses and flats were constructed in Glasgow for £60,900 each. This low capital price was achieved despite building in sophisticated environmental features that will significantly cut whole-life costs.

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    Cost model: Land remediation


    Land remediation is becoming a growth sector as government targets for brownfield development have been increased. In this month s cost model, Davis Langdon Everest looks at new laws on contaminated land and details the cost of clean-up techniques

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    Cost study: Council housing refurbishment


    A deck-access council-housing block in Hackney, east London, has been radically refurbished by being chopped into three free-standing blocks