Housing – Page 164
Housing stats: New build sales and completions in September
This month’s data shows registrations in both the public and private sector down on this time last year
FSA backs down on mortgage rules
Lending regulations will provide no boost to housing market say financial advisers
Keepmoat chief Ian Sutcliffe leaves after nine months
Keepmoat’s chief executive Ian Sutcliffe has left the company after nine months - former Apollo boss Dave Sheridan takes his place
Cosmopolitan in merger talks with Riverside
Possible merger puts social landlord’s development pipeline in doubt
Morgan drops bid to takeover Redrow
Chairman of housebuilder Redrow has ‘terminated’ plan to make an offer for the company through his investment fund
Lovell launches regional shake up
Morgan Sindall’s housing arm Lovell is to merge its regional operations, with the move leading to a number of senior job losses
Put £10bn pension pot into homes, says RIBA
RIBA’s Future Homes Commission to call for local government pension funds to invest £10bn in homes for private rent
NewBuy to deliver 25,000 not 100,000 homes
Expectation of number of sales through government’s flagship NewBuy mortgage guarantee scheme slashed
Planning stats: Residential projects and approvals in September
The number of projects are slightly up compared with August’s data in all the regions, except Scotland
Taylor Wimpey in private rental trial
Housebuilder Taylor Wimpey is to trial building “four or five” schemes of homes for the private rent market
Berkeley 50-storey Blackfriars tower approved
Developer Berkeley Group retains Ian Simpson design but changes use from hotel to residential
Cameron asserts importance of housebuilding
Prime minister pushes back at Labour and seeks to reframe the Conservatives as the party of home ownership
Crest Nicholson adopts Garden City principles
Crest Nicholson is to “retrofit” the principles of the Garden City into some of its large schemes with planning permission
Housing shortage will hold back jobs growth
Report by property consultant Cluttons says employment growth is expected to outstrip housing supply in London
Housebuilders urge government to back industry
Housebuilders and CBI urge government to focus on housing as the key to the UK’s recovery from recession
Bloor Homes snaps up first phase of Berewood Village
Housebuilder will build first 194 homes of 2,500-home scheme
Prisk opposes 10,000-home scheme in his backyard
Housing minister Mark Prisk says campaign against Harlow North is principled opposition