Housing – Page 248
HCA's £100m council home initiative attracts first bidders
Local authorities are lining up to bid for a £100m government scheme to fund 900 council homes
Seeds of growth: Creative quarter in Barking
The London Thames Gateway Development Corporation has given planning permission for this creative quarter in Barking, including the restoration of granary building
Boris blasts block
London mayor Boris Johnson has instructed Newham council to reject plans for the redevelopment of Queen’s market
Level six homes
Metropolitan Housing Partnership has unveiled plans for six homes in Upton, Northamptonshire that will be the first to be built for sale that meet level six of the Code for Sustainable Homes.
Fall in landbank value
The accounts of 77 housing associations will be hit by drops in the value of their landbanks, says the Tenant Services Authority (TSA)
Enquiries rise
A survey by the RICS has found 41% more surveyors reported an increase in enquiries in April than a fall
Brighton on the Wirral
North-west developer Neptune has submitted a planning application for the £60m second phase of its New Brighton development on the Wirral
The right place to stand on Rugg
One department’s acceptance of many of the Rugg review’s recommendations for private rental housing could help form a build-to-let market, if it gets some help
Meet the government's new best friends: Victorian refurb
Renovation will play a vital role in meeting the government’s target of an 80% emissions reduction by 2050. And it’s the owner occupier who’ll be doing the work. Two south London residents found out what it takes
Galliford Try to enter Qatar
Contractor/housebuilder to branch out into Middle East to offset downturn and hopes to start first project this year
Mayor agrees affordable home targets with 21 London boroughs
Boris Johnson's housing adviser says deal is 'real achievement', but admits not all of 50,000 target will be new build
Mortgage lending drops 9%
Council of Mortgage Lenders warns it is too early to spot pattern of recovery for housing market
Mansell wins £18m student housing contract
Two blocks in south-east London will include 102 modular units and 128 traditionally constructed ones
MJ Gleeson warns of further writedowns in 2009
Housebuilders says there is no sign of improvement in the market and does not expect revenue of second half of year to exceed first half
A new way of life: Creating a built to let market
Owning your own home is considered the ultimate goal in Britain, but now is an opportunity to create a private rental sector to boost the housing sector and encourage social mobility
Savills joint venture plans £250m rented homes fund
Consultant and housing association A2 Dominion join forces to bid for HCA private rental scheme
Pathfinders to cut housing targets in light of recession
The bodies running the government’s £2.2bn housing market renewal initiative are being forced to scale back plans because of the recession, the Audit Commission has said
Spa turn: Bermondsey Spa regeneration
Willmott Dixon’s social housing arm Inspace has been named preferred bidder on the Bermondsey Spa regeneration project in Southwark, south London
Seize the day
Tempting big investors to put cash into private rental property has never succeeded in the past. But if we act quickly, says Matthew Cutts, the government’s plan may just work
Planning applications: April 2009
Projects at detailed planning stage rose slightly in all regions apart from Wales and the North