Housing – Page 261
Micro CHP: Home made
Micro combined heat and power units that generate free electricity while heating your house are due to hit the UK market next year. But are they too good to be true?
Funding runs out on £149m shared-ownership scheme
Housebuilders mourn loss of popular sales route as My Choice Homebuy closes in a number of regions
Home truths: Help the aged
It’s all very well building super-efficient eco villages, says Ross Holleron of Inbuilt, but we mustn’t ignore the existing homes and amenities that surround them
Seven ideas to reduce emissions from housing stock
An expert panel has come up with seven ways that the government can start cutting carbon emissions from our energy-spewing housing stock – and it’s going to take a lot more than just turning down the heating
Flexible options to replace ‘unworkable’ zero-carbon target
Builders will be given flexibility in how they meet the government’s zero-carbon standard.
Barratt sued for £1m over scaffolder's smashed ankle
Scarborough scaffolder claims for £184,000 in home help and £150,000 for footwear
Berkeley reveals new design for controversial Tower Bridge site
Housebuilder and Southwark unveil Squire & Partners' new vision for Potters Fields next to City Hall
Homeowner bailout: Whitehall to the rescue?
Government plans to help struggling homeowners swung into action last week, but will they make any difference?
Tartan Hips
The Scottish version of the home information pack launched at the start of the month. Is it any better than the much derided English and Welsh version?`
Whitehall has too much power, says Heseltine
Former Tory defence secretary says Treasury has forced up council tax
House sales down despite rising buyer interest
RICS reports sales per agent at record low as rising enquiries stymied by lack of finance
Hips to include information on flooding and parking
Home information packs will also have to be produced before homes are put on the market
OFT launches inquiry into house selling
Study will establish whether there is fair competition between estate agents
Japanese knotweed: tackling a green menace
A housebuilder in Cornwall explains why it spent £2m getting the stubborn weed off its site
Housing association set to seal rescue deal on Olympic village
Southern Housing Group has agreed in principle to help Lend Lease on the 2012 project
Galliford Try wins homes superagency's first job
Contractor appointed on first development by the new Homes and Communities Agency
Countryside reveals plans for 1,000 homes in Sussex
Housebuilder's plans include primary school, pub, business space and allotments
Berkeley house sales slump 60%
Group posts pre-tax profit of £79.8m despite worsening conditions since collapse of Lehman Brothers
Telford and Bovis Homes could axe 260 staff in 2009
London-based Telford to cut one-third of jobs, as Bovis starts second wave of redundancies
Housing association in talks to rescue Olympic village
Lend Lease’s developer role hangs on a deal with Southern Housing Group