Housing – Page 286
Government pushes for more homes in South-east
Draft regional spatial strategy plans over 33,000 new homes each year, against local objections
Birmingham cowboy fined for botched loft conversion
Gerald Collins convicted of convening Ӱ Regs after causing structural damage to client's home
Builders react to slump by taking down half-built homes
Berkshire councillor alleges that move has been made to avoid triggering planning payments
Social housing proved welcome refuge from the crunch in June
Business barometer - Laing O’Rourke takes top spot, followed by two affordable housing firms
Housing association falls foul of credit crunch
The first significant housing association to feel the impact of the credit crunch emerged this week as the social housing regulator put London specialist association Presentation under official “supervision”, writes Joey Gardiner.
2016 zero-carbon target cannot be met
Housebuilders will not be able to build zero-carbon homes without a major change in government energy policy, housebuilders have told ministers
Final approval for Manchester’s Holt Town regeneration
Developers have signed a section 106 agreement with Manchester council allowing the final approval of the 4,300-home Holt Town regeneration scheme east of the city centre.
The rake’s progress: housebuilders
Housebuilders don’t like to get tied down. As soon as a scheme’s built and sold, they move on. So why are they suddenly forming longer-term attachments? Ben Cook finds out what it’s all about
St Modwen hit by land slump
Regeneration specialist St Modwen plunged into the red during the first half of this year and announced on Monday it was halting attempts to sell residential land until the market had “stabilised.”
Down by the river: Frasers Property’s Riverside Quarter scheme
Wandsworth council has given permission for the final phase of Frasers Property’s Riverside Quarter scheme on the south bank of the Thames in south-west London
Gavron: London developers already cutting affordable homes
Developers are taking advantage of the new London mayor’s housing policy to try to reduce the amount of affordable homes they have to produce, according to former deputy mayor Nicky Gavron.
Supermarket sweep?
The government's revised planning statement is supposed to boost the health of town centres but it could have the opposite effect
Government agency to review all housing schemes
Homes and Communities Agency moves to stop projects faltering
Government acts to help housing market
Rent-to-buy scheme to help first-time buyers and new local housing companies among a raft of measures announced today
Delays at Greenwich Peninsula could cost taxpayer £60m
Lend Lease and Quintain’s £4bn scheme ‘at least two years behind schedule’, says National Audit Office
Housing 'ignored' in youth crime plan
Social landlords are disappointed that housing is downplayed in the government’s blueprint on tackling youth crime.
Communities minister reveals housing targets for North-east
Baroness Andrews outlines plans to build 128,900 homes in the region by 2021
St Modwen halts housing schemes at Longbridge and Stoke
Two housing developments put on hold until housing market improves, following firm's announcement of £20m losses
Quarterly house sales fall 40% to hit 30-year low
RICS says estate agents sold just 15 homes each last quarter, 40% less than a year ago
Castleford unveils its redesigned underpass
Town centre gets a new landscape public space as part of a regeneration scheme