Legal views – Page 20
Mears v Costplan: Identifying practical completion
Steven Carey looks at one of the first cases to apply the recent Mears vs Costplan ruling on identifying practical completionÂ
Stormy waters: Issues when paying subcontractors directly
Sarah Leaver on a boatbuilding case that highlights problems in paying subcontractors directly
NEC4 Alliancing Contract: Let’s do this together
Sheena Sood examines how the NEC4 Alliancing Contract approaches project risks, liabilities, insurance and disputes
Case in focus: JJ Rhatigan & Co (UK) Ltd vs Rosemary Lodge Developments Ltd
Ted Lowery considers a case in which the adjudicator appeared to have ignored a witness statement
Wrong but not responsible
A recent case serves as a reminder that just because a party is at fault does not necessarily make it responsible for a loss
Fuel for thought: decommissioning oil and gas projects
We are starting to see the first standard contracts for decommissioning oil and gas projects
Facts first or face prison
Although expert witnesses speak for just one side, their first loyalty must be to the truth – otherwise they risk prosecution
Hackitt consultation: Taking a hard line on risk
The insurance market for contractors is increasingly tough, and not just on cladding-related work
Cost versus market: how are price variations measured in construction contracts?
A recent case highlights the two contrasting ways of pricing variations
Smash and grab adjudications: what about insolvency?
A recent case may herald a move away from upholding ‘smash and grab’ adjudications where insolvency is a factor
Adjudication, the low-cost way
Today sees the launch of a pilot scheme for a new low-value disputes adjudication service
Contracting for Brexit
Rupert Choat examines the legal position regarding unexpected circumstances arising from Brexit
Are speedier visas enough to ease the skills crisis?
Architects have been added to the visa priority list to ease recruitment problems
Case in focus: RGB P&C Ltd vs Victory House General Partner Ltd
Ted Lowery considers a case in which the adjudicator carried out his own delay analysis
When a black hole stays black: the limits of the transferred loss rule
The transferred loss rule can fill the black hole of damages claims where parties have no direct contract, but it has its limits
Legal: When is fraud relevant?
Fraud can be raised as a defence in adjudication case or to avoid an enforcement, but it must be strictly relevant
Legal: A boost for third-party rights
The Court of Appeal has confirmed a robust approach to third-party rights in contracts
Legal: BIM standards made simple
The new international standard on BIM could take some getting to grips with – but guidance is being developed
How to get paid on time
A guide to help small firms avoid bad debts by taking preventative steps
Legal: Swansea stadium and the dangers of change
Victoria Peckett points out that the Swansea stadium defects case highlights how altering provisions in standard forms can have unfortunate results