All articles by Michael Dall – Page 3
Some unexpected stats
A Brexit could hamper future economic activity and not have an impact on current figures
Market review: Cooling off?
Things are still on the up but are we witnessing a slowdown? And is there any way to rebalance the UK economy away from the service sector?
It’s not all doom and gloom
A Brexit is a real economic risk but a vote to remain could see sunshine replace the gloom in the second half of the year
Market review: Holding steady
A month on from the Budget, the construction sector remains in reasonable health despite monthy fluctuations
Brexit strategy
Uncertainty around the EU referendum is hampering commercial activity while private housing continues to grow
Market review: A bumpy ride
A drop in monthly construction output comes courtesy of a reduction in infrastructure activity, but the bigger picture shows steady growth
Reasons to be cheerful
Output might have dropped in January but it turns out construction ended 2015 better than we thought
Market review: Slow off the mark
Construction output levels saw a further slowdown in Q4 but were still up on the same period last year. Private housing and infrastructure are the bright lights for the year ahead
Market review: The down and ups
The UK economy looks set to have grown by 2.4% in 2015, a slowdown compared with 2.9% in 2014 – but construction’s future pipeline looks strong
Next year’s outlook
The Autumn Statement provided a bit of unexpected Christmas cheer. Or did it?
Market review: The season of goodwill
Some important announcements in last month’s Spending Review were set against a boost to contract awards and some healthy growth predictions
Market review: Rough with the smooth
Latest figures show that output in almost every individual construction sector took a quarter-on-quarter fall
Market review: Balancing act
A buoyant infrastructure sector keeps construction stabilised despite housing seeing a significant drop in activity
The looming skills crisis
Analysing the direction over the longer term suggests some fundamental issues at play
Market review: Hold steady
Despite wobbles in the global economy and a dip in private commercial construction, overall activity in the industry remains strong
Market review: Regaining momentum
July saw construction activity levels pick up, in a reflection of the wider economy during the spring months
Market review: Begin again
The Budget has given us a taste of this Conservative government’s economic policy and forecasts for the sector are also looking strong
Fixing the foundations
The follow-up document to the summer Budget has stronger implications for construction
Emergency Budget: Populist policy?
The Budget was ambitious but rather disappointing for the construction industry