More Focus – Page 323

  • Delph School in Oldham

    Under cover


    Manufacturer Permanite Engineered Roofing Systems has formed an innovative partnership with a local authority to provide roofing for schools across the borough.

  • Solar-powered school

    What to specify: schools


    The latest possibilities to pore over for those tasked with the construction, refurbishment and outfitting of schools …

  • Hopkins Architects’ Evelina Children’s Hospital

    Procurement: Public sector projects


    Public sector procurement methods are often criticised for excessive red tape, but on complex projects their effective use is vital to success. Simon Rawlinson of Davis Langdon investigates

  • A man-made grotto on the top floor glows seductively with the aid of underwater spotlights

    Spiritual awakening


    Mario Botta’s Swiss Mountain Oasis lifts body, mind and architecture to new levels

  • Adams Kara Taylor … in that order

    A marriage of true minds


    The takeover of Adams Kara Taylor by White Young Green will suit both firms

  • Here is Richard Rogers, flanked by his heirs apparent: Ivan Harbour, on the right, and Graham Stirk.

    The abdication


    Here is Richard Rogers, flanked by his heirs apparent: Ivan Harbour, on the right, and Graham Stirk. But when will the great man go? What will his successors do when he does? And in the meantime, can they stop Marco Goldschmied’s legal actions taking away their offices? Martin Spring investigates ...

  • Features

    Who calls the shots?


    Main contractors and specialists are engaged in a struggle to seize power in the construction industry. Who will come out on top? Katie Puckett reports from ringside

  • Features

    Dream house Down Under


    When Paul and Jaki Halliday decided to leave London’s traffic-clogged rat’s maze for the hills of New South Wales, they celebrated by commissioning their ideal home. Martin Spring explains how their compatriot, Alan Higgs, designed it

  • Features

    2012’s team players


    These are the top 15 people at the ODA and its partner CLM who will make the London Games happen. Katie Puckett asked each of them what their biggest challenges will be...

  • David Higgins

    Let the Games begin …


    For David Higgins, the man in charge of delivering the 2012 Olympic Games and Paralympic Games, the clock is ticking. Katie Puckett talks to him about how he’s keeping the programme on track and overleaf reveals the plans for the venues

  • Illustration by Max Schindler

    Blazing a green trail


    London won the 2012 Games, in part, due to its commitment to making them an environmentally sustainable event. So how does the ODA plan to deliver its promise? Vikki Miller put the question to the head of sustainability Paula Hirst

  • Samantha Stevens

    “Once in a while you pinch yourself and realise how lucky you are to be working on such a great project …”


    For construction professionals 2012 is a once-in-a-career opportunity. Katie Puckett talks to three of the fortunate ones about the thrill of masterplanning the Lower Lea Valley, tunnelling power lines and decontaminating land

  • Features

    The land of opportunity


    Poisoned by gasworks and left derelict, the Lower Lea Valley is crying out for regeneration. But before that happens one of the biggest compulsory purchase orders in history has to be given the nod. Mark Leftly reports on how this unprecedented land deal is taking shape

  • Lawrence Waterman

    How will this man make the Games safe for workers?


    By enforcing a zero tolerance policy on sloppy practices. So if contractors wish to win work they’ll first have to acquaint themselves with Lawrence Waterman and his exceptionally high standards.

  • Features

    Putting Stratford on the map


    The £4bn redevelopment of Stratford City was always going to be big, but when London won the Games last year it ballooned. By 2012 the two projects, which are now inextricably linked, will have created an urban centre with transport links to rival Waterloo. Mark Leftly reports on the transformation ...

  • Features

    Eastern promise


    We all know London will benefit from the 2012 Games, but the ripple effect is expected to reach miles out towards the east. David Blackman looks at the possibilities for this neglected area known as the Thames Gateway

  • Peter Rogers

    Peters plan


    He’s long been one of construction’s enthusiastic modernisers, but now the London Games has spurred Peter Rogers to redouble his efforts. In fact he and his 2012 task group have come up with a 12-point manifesto for change

  • Features

    Carillion captures the flag with £200m of army work


    Contractor also allies with Balfour Beatty to win East London line scheme

  • Features

    Cost model: Small industrial units


    They’re flexible, investor-friendly and easy to build. But how much does it cost to construct small industrial units? Max Wilkes of Davis Langdon explains

  • Features

    ‘Let’s talk again two years from now …’


    Hays Executive salary guide In 2006 executives have bided their time, choosing to wait and see where the top Olympic jobs will arise. But when the time comes, it will pay to have had one or two discreet meetings with headhunters