More news – Page 1095
Anarchists claim responsibility for Bristol fire
Group called ‘Angry Foxes Cell’ says it is behind blaze on Miller construction site
Pihl bankrupt after failed expansion bid
Danish contractor cites “far too aggressive” growth plan as main cause of financial problems
Glenn Howells director quits to help asbestos trial father
Marcus Lee leaves position to help co-ordinate defence of former RMJM director Vernon
CBI: Use tax incentives to turn commercial property green
Report calls for variable business rates and non-domestic Green Deal to boost energy efficiency work
Fire takes hold at Miller construction site
Under-construction ‘state-of-the-art’ £16m police firearms range near Bristol ablaze
Bam Nuttall and Amec win power station deals
Contractors appointed to build undersea power link in Scotland
Scrap HS2 ‘grand folly’, says IoD
Business lobby group calls for £43bn budget to be spent on improving existing network
Bovis Homes seals further £50m funding
Housebuilder signs £50m extension to £125m revolving credit facility
Contractors sought for £200m highways framework
Birmingham council starts race for a £200m infrastructure framework.
Five firms vie for next phase of Battersea
Exclusive: Five firms invited to bid for the first stage of the £700m phase two of Battersea Power Station development
Lend Lease construction arm £9m in the red
Loss at European construction business follows problem jobs and restructuring costs
Construction appointments: 23 August 2013
Woods Bagot, Lovell and Seddon are among the firms announcing appointments and promotions
Employers bid for place on asbestos claims scheme
National Federation of Builders lobbies Department of Work and Pensions to ensure builders are not left open to liabilities
Delivery partner revealed for £331m London tube upgrade
Exclusive: Team including EC Harris, Mace and CH2M Hill will help deliver radical new procurement approach
Sir Robert McAlpine lays out its blacklist defence
Contractor denies liability for damages caused by the use of blacklisting organisation and details involvement of other firms
Costain profit falls 80%
Contractor’s pre-tax profit falls to £3.1m over the first half of the year, with firm taking a £3.7m hit on failed bid for May Gurney