More news – Page 953
Redrow blasts pre-election posturing on planning
Redrow chairman Steve Morgan says sales rates have settled down as Help to Buy beds in
Grainger inks deal for private rented development push
Listed landlord signs deal with regeneration specialist Sigma to pursue private rented development opportunities
Specialist contractors' enquiry levels hit record high
But latest NSCC state of trade survey finds sector is finding it increasingly hard to souce skilled labour
Highways Agency awards £5bn framework
Contractors and professional design firms win places on five-year framework
Construction grows for sixth straight quarter
Growth across commercial and industrial sectors makes up for slowdown in private housing, according to latest CPA survey
Qataris 'preparing to up offer' for Canary Wharf
Qatar Investment Authority and Brookfield plan to raise offer after initial approach rejected, according to report
Consultants 'exasperated' after £750m framework scrapped
Bidders on UK SBS framework consider legal action to recoup their costs
UK SBS cancels £750m public sector consultants framework
Decision taken following resolution of legal challenge by T T last month
Bovis Homes forecasts profit and price rises
Housebuilder expects increase in sales of around 30% in 2014
Berkeley launches London JV with National Grid
Housebuilder and electricity infrastructure giant form St William Homes to develop brownfield sites
Galliford's Miller integration costs fall
Contractor reports that it will spend less than £4m integrating Miller, which it acquired in July
Canary Wharf owners reject takeover offer
Qatar Investment Authority and Brookfield Property Partners rebuffed for “significantly undervaluing” the firm
CH2M Hill to slash 100 UK jobs in global restructure
Exclusive: Engineer to axe jobs in UK buildings and urban programmes divisions while closing Edinburgh office
Coalition row slows zero-carbon exemption plans
Ministers fail to agree over size of ‘small’ housing developments that will be exempt from zero-carbon homes standard
Benoy to design major Chengdu development
Architect wins design competition for mixed use development in Sichuan province
Lipton Rogers closes in on deal to revive stalled Pinnacle tower
Exclusive: Sir Stuart Lipton-led design team close to taking over mothballed tower, with “helter skelter” design to be scrapped
Greater Manchester region to get London-style mayor
‘Metro mayor’ will have powers over transport, housing and strategic planning across 10 city region councils
Office availability declines for sixth consecutive quarter
UK office space shortfall becomes more acute
CH2M Hill to take £53m hit on power station
Engineer’s Australian power station project running more than 30% over budget
Qataris and Brookfield size up Canary Wharf takeover
Songbird Estates tells City that it has had a takeover approach from the Qatar Investment Authority and Brookfield Property Partners