Davis Langdon will help set up procurement consortia using 拢35m fund.
The ODPM has appointed Davis Langdon to lead a scheme that aims to help social landlords procure more efficiently.
As National Change Agent Davis Langdon will oversee the 拢35m Efficency Challenge Fund, which will be used to establish procurement consortia. It will be assisted by solicitor Trowers and Hamlins.
Housing minister Keith Hill said: 鈥淐ollective procurement can deliver big benefits for social landlords and their tenants. As well as reducing costs, it can improve quality by developing long term relationships with suppliers.鈥
This appointment comes as part of the ODPM鈥檚 response to the Gershon review that said money saved on procurement could be used to build more social housing.
The 2003 Spending Review said that collective purchasing arrangements that focused on the whole supply chain and managed demand had significant potential to reduce costs and improve quality.