Sub committee chaired by London mayor will help speed up capital’s £3bn housebuilding programme
The government has set up a new Homes and Communities Agency (HCA) sub committee to speed up the delivery of London’s £3bn housebuilding programme.
The London Homes and Communities Agency Board will ensure money from the HCA’s investment programme and land from the London Development Agency is used to deliver the housing programme in London and the South East.

It will focus on delivering sustainable homes, increasing the number of affordable family-sized homes and created communities through regeneration.
Mayor Ken Livingstone will chair the board and HCA chief executive Sir Bob Kerslake will be vice-chairman.
Caroline Flint, housing minister, said: "It is essential we increase the amount of affordable housing in London but we need to ensure homes are built where they are most needed.
"By strengthening our relationship with the mayor's office and giving a stronger voice to London boroughs we can ensure we create new communities and regenerate deprived areas in a much more joined-up way."
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