The three head a longlist of 21 competing for the contract to masterplan the regeneration scheme, part of the government's new deal for communities initiative. A shortlist of five masterplanners will be announced next month.
The client, WEHM New Deals for Communities Partnership, received £54m of the £200m required to redevelop the Wood End, Henley Green, Manor Farm and Deedmore Road estates last year.
Others in the running for the project include teams led by architects HTA, PRP, and Ushida Findlay Partnership. Consultants Ernst & Young, Babtie and GVA Grimley have also submitted proposals.
The Whitefriars Association, a registered social landlord that owns the housing stock, will appoint a developer to work with the masterplanner on the scheme.
Those selected to tender will be expected to include proposals for working with developers to secure the £150m of additional funding required for the long-term regeneration of the WEHM area.
We want to break the cycle of decline that has gripped families here
Roger Tipton, WEHM partnership
The contract will be awarded at the beginning of April, and a more detailed plan will be completed by the end of the year.
The development will include new housing, open spaces, a country park, and community, health and leisure facilities.
The masterplanner will also be expected to "design out crime", improve transport and roads and allow for commercial, retail and industrial development.
The client said the masterplanners' proposals ought to bring real and meaningful change to the area that will fulfil the residents' vision.
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