Construction Excellence surveys the school which has taken sustainable steps including water harvesting wind turbines
Redlands Primary School has undergone major redevelopment as part of phase two of the scheme to convert the Victorian/Edwardian red-brick building.
The brief was to construct a new seven-class junior teaching block attached to the existing infant building, incorporate the NOF Table Tennis Centre into the phase 1 junior block and investigate a wood burning boiler to promote the County Council’s.
The project’s innovations focused on partnering and sustainable construction.

The school is currently considering applying to be an Eco-School to recognise the steps taken to incorporate water harvesting, wind turbine usage and other sustainable technologies.
The site is situated on the west of Worksop by the side of a disused sand quarry which is now partially filled with water. The quarry now provides an important wildlife haven and an attractive local beauty spot. However, the junior block situated close to the edge of the site was not in a stable condition and had begun to subside into the quarry.
Green objectives
Sustainability objectives included the refurbishment of the existing infant block to contain five class bases plus library and resources space, the demolishing of redundant buildings on the site and the completion of the landscaping of the whole site within the available budget.Energy and water use

Students at the school are able to use a digital monitoring system to track the amount of water being used, educating them on resource efficiency. In addition, the energy generating and water saving features in the building are designed to have a positive impact on the buildings’ whole life costs.
Redlands Primary School case study
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Contractor: Willmott Dixon - Client: Nottinghamshire County Council - Total value of contract: £3.1m
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