Philip Collard
- Features
Take the wind out of your sales
Like it or not, every construction service a client buys must be sold. This means that construction professionals need effective selling skills – so, here's how to do it. Plus, a guide to marketing speak.
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How do you like it so far?
Client care research is a tool used by an increasing number of professional services firms to keep their clients loyal, and guarantee continued income.
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Try a little tenderness
Clients need care and attention. What's more, they are more likely than ever before to decide that they can live without you. So, how do you retain their affections?
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Get organised
The third in a series on marketing explains how to plan and project manage a strategy to ensure you always stay a few steps ahead of the competition.
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Winning ways
The second in a series on marketing looks at how you can optimise your chances of being awarded work by improving your bidding strategy.
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Don't lose touch
The first of a new series on marketing tools and techniques looks at how an up-to-date database of clients and contacts can help you win new business.
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PIMS number one
Schal's paperless project information management system has been such a hit at the Royal Opera House that the whole project team is now on-line.