INNOVATION - Thames Gateway special
Solar water heater
Ariston has introduced the SOLARcomfort domestic water heating package using renewable energy. The package integrates the company’s solar thermal system elements with a new twin-coil unvented cylinder. It is estimated that the technology can meet 50-70% of a household’s hot water needs.
Grey water recycling system
The Aquastore grey water recycling system enables bath, shower and sink water to be recycled for use in gardens and for car washing. The system comprises a unit attached to the bath, shower and sink waste pipe, which diverts water through a filter system where it is cleaned before being deposited in a 225l water butt. The system relies on a processed sea-water and carbon solution in the filter to clean the used water. Aquastore costs £199.95.
Environment-friendly masonry
Enviromasonry, the environment-friendly masonry by Fyfestone, is among the products featured in the manufacturer’s new manual. Enviromasonry walling has a BRE green specification rating of Class A in use for external cavity walls with Enviroblock, which is manufactured by sister company Masterblock. Fyfestone’s manual, called Architectural Masonry Solutions, covers products for housebuilding and the commercial sector.

Offsite housing technology
There is no shortage of innovation in offsite housing technology this autumn. Last month Home Factory launched its steel-framed volumetric apartment concept, designed by architect Andy Martin Associates (pictured above). Home Factory does not manufacture homes, but provides a service in facilitating their development. The homes come in standard layouts in one-, two- and three-bedroom apartments and duplexes and can be designed for all markets. Home Factory expects to sign its first contract by the end of the year.
Home Factory

Offsite housing technology
At the same time, a new company called OSM Homes has been established to import German-made closed timber panel homes and precast concrete basements into the UK (pictured right). OSM Homes has signed up to supply Brighton developer Blue Sonic for a 24-unit scheme in Lewes, Sussex, which starts construction in January.
OSM Homes
Stacked parking
City Lofts' Princes Dock apartment development in Liverpool has been fitted with a Wohr three-level mechanical stacking parking scheme. The system, the Parklift 413, gives three levels of parking. Residents have independent access to their own parking spaces.
Piling and underpinning
Abbey Pynford's Housedeck system helped to overcome the problems of developing a sloping site containing protected trees, and minimised the amount of excavated material that had to be disposed of off-site. Stoneham Construction was building 22 houses and a three-storey apartment block on the Clark Mast development at Binstead on the Isle of Wight. The Housedeck system comprises a structural reinforced concrete slab supported by piles without the intervention of ground beams or pile caps. Cross slopes were dealt with by stepping the slabs as needed, by up to 650mm. Abbey Pynford offers a design and build service.
Abbey Pynford
Quiet ventilation
Greenwood Airvac has launched the Eternity low-energy continuous ventilation unit. The unit operates on 2.5 Watts at intermittent boost speed and up to 2.2 Watts at constant high and low speeds. The company says it is also about 60% quieter than traditional extract fans.
Greenwood Airfac
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