All Supplements articles – Page 44
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On the money
Few spending rounds have generated so much excitement – or dread – as next summer’s comprehensive spending review. Former government adviser Paul Hackett reveals what’s at stake and what’s in store for post-Blair Britain
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A ruling at the European Court of Justice has changed the point at which an environmental impact assessment is required
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My kind of town
It may come as a surprise, but hoards of Chinese and US regeneration experts are descending on Britain’s new towns. Even more surprising, perhaps, they’ve come to admire and learn. Gideon Amos opens our new towns special
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Later this year, barring further delays, the planning system will get a shake-up – PPS3. So what is it going to do for housing?
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Kellys heroics
The past month or so has been marked by Ruth Kelly’s coming out, not in the white chiffon frills of a debutante, but in her customary sensible trouser suit.
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So here’s the plan
Creating a large-scale mixed-use masterplan calls for a wide range of skills and knowledge. In the first in a series of three articles on masterplanning, Alex Davey, partner at Davis Langdon, looks at 10 key considerations
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Not so desperate housewives
Back in 1986 when few of us had heard of sustainability (let alone Wisteria Lane), Milton Keynes launched a groundbreaking experiment in energy efficiency. Sonia Soltani went back to see how it had fared, and found the residents frantic not so much to save the planet as to enjoy those ...
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Have councils lost the plot?
You would think that with the pressure on councils to build more homes on brownfield sites, they would be only too pleased to release the thousands of acres of unused employment land. So why aren’t they?
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What makes a building sustainable?
Would you recognise a sustainable building if you saw one? Paul Appleby says it’s not as easy as it first looks
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Copper bottomed
The boss of regeneration developer St Modwen, ex-cop Anthony Glossop, prefers plain talking to flashy hyperbole. Then again, the company’s £46m bottom line does rather speak for itself.
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Kate Barker’s review of planning goes way beyond the confines of the Treasury
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5 questions
To Shelagh Grant, the new chief executive of the Housing Forum, one of Constructing Excellence’s sector forums
There’s more than one way to skin an office
The latest products and whole-life costs, notes on intelligent facades and the special love between an architect and its concrete supplier. But first, Sonia Soltani on the teams defying skills shortages to install extraordinary facades
How we work together
Or how an architect found its ideal supplier … This week Sonia Soltani tells the tale of Pascall + Watson and Belgian concrete firm Decomo
What to remember: facades
Facades have got so intelligent these days, they can control your building’s airflow, heat transfer, lighting and acoustics. Barbour and Scott Brownrigg explore the options for specifiers
Costs: Curtain wallings
Curtain walling looks simple, but it’s a complex network of systems and components. Peter Mayer of ¾«¶«Ó°ÊÓ LifePlans examines the whole-life costs and performance of all of them