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Value of major project starts plummets by half in last three months
Overall project starts down by nearly a third, according to new Glenigan analysis
Market forecast: Past the peak
The initial market reaction to the Brexit vote was muted, with output soon recovering strongly, but the trend seems likely to have turned, just as our exit from the EU is imminent. Michael Hubbard of Aecom reports
Tall towers construction reaches record heights
But starts and completions in London have slowed, according to new data
Regional hotspots support construction growth despite Brexit unease, T&T says
Consultant’s report finds lift in regions despite output fall in London
House building looks set for growth in 2010
The latest Government house building numbers strongly suggest that a shade more than 100,000 homes will be built in England in 2009.This would represent a 40% drop on the peak year of 2007 and make 2009 a record peacetime low.There are hints of hope in the figures with the starts ...