All Ӱ articles in 2005 issue 45 – Page 2

  • Ӱ

    Extra M&E firms drafted in to Wembley


    MJ Quinn and Daltech are brought on site to speed up M&E work at National Stadium.

  • Harrowgate

    Kajima to wind down UK construction business


    Japanese contractor plans to turn to PFI investment after reporting £80m losses on PFI schools contracts.

  • Gillian Birkby

    Wired up


    E-tendering can boost your efficiency but it can also land you in legal and security trouble. An RICS guide published last month tells you how to avoid the pitfalls

  • Comment

    On the record


    A High Court decision to allow the media access to pleadings in Multiplex vs Cleveland Bridge before the case went to trial has implications for all court users

  • Comment

    Road rage


    Business Environment Group was the leasehold owner of a large office block known as 1 Olympic Way, Wembley. The building was let as government offices and also as fully serviced offices, to which there is access 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. BEG retained occupation of the common ...

  • Features

    Projects update: Sustainability


    Environment-friendly projects are big business these days, and many companies and organisations are jumping on the bandwagon. Here is the latest set of initiatives, products and services to make your scheme green

  • Ӱ

    The Pointe sisters


    Consultant Atkins has unveiled this image of the £200m Bay Pointe development in Cardiff Bay for client Allied Developments Europe.

  • Features

    Strength in numbers


    The latest monthly figures from Experian Business Strategies reveal that activity in the construction industry is showing no sign of weakening – with the exception of the civil engineering sector …

  • Comment

    The right mix


    Your interview with the energy minister Malcolm Wicks (28 October) reinforced the view that we should move away from much of the current media debate on which energy source is “best” – a debate somewhat hijacked by nuclear energy.

  • Comment

    Mining other rich seams


    I am writing in reponse to Malcolm Taylor’s etter on the Woodhorn Colliery in Northumberland (9 September).

  • Richard Steer

    The maverick


    He’s proud to be a QS, he’s not afraid of enjoying himself and he doesn’t think every big practice should be an LLP. Mark Leftly met Richard Steer, senior partner of Gleeds, and found a leader in his prime.

  • Ӱ

    Treasury puts some numbers on next year’s PFI market


    Defence projects expected to make up 18%, as government reveals that this year’s deals could reach £5bn

  • Comment

    Mall mauling


    I am compelled to comment on the latest addition to the infamous Arndale Centre by Chapman Taylor (21 October).

  • Comment

    The lesson of Leeds


    Your lead story on the CASPAR housing scheme in Leeds (28 October) illustrates perfectly the folly of the prescriptive approach to specifying how houses and flats should be built.

  • Angela Monaghan

    Sharewatch: Kier’s star turn


    This weeks share news

  • Ann Minogue

    It’s not their job


    Clients are increasingly told that health and safety is their job, but why? Surely it’s illogical to make customers responsible for the industry they employ

  • Comment

    It’s too late to be reasonable


    You are absolutely right that “if construction is to deliver, it needs the rules spilling out of Whitehall to follow the three Cs: they must be clear, concise and consistent” (leader).

  • Comment



    Oh no! Here comes Ӱ’s crapulous diarist, staggering over with tales of drunken rows, boozy lunches, flying beer and ricocheting champagne corks …

  • Ian Abley

    Liberty Hall


    The urban taskforce is filled with brownfield Taliban, but one member knows we don’t need to live in city-centre boxes. So why doesn’t Sir Peter Hall tells the others?

  • Comment

    Help for Gus


    Of course the answer to Gus Alexander’s problem with the lowest price tender (28 October) would be for the client to employ a quantity surveyor at the outset of the project.