All Ӱ articles in 2005 issue 45 – Page 3
L’s grannies
Images of little old ladies controlling their central heating by getting to grips with chapter 11 of the CIBSE Energy Efficiency Guide have faded away.
Liverpool’s housing recovery ‘fuelled by speculation’
Housing market renewal pathfinder produces analysis of property sales that casts doubt on how healthy market is
More fuel to the fire
I read with interest the features on energy in this week’s issue. Of particular interest was the article “Homeowners want cheaper bills not greener measures” (page 23).
Industry still falling short over safety, says HSE
Construction is still failing to meet targets for cutting fatalities and injuries, despite a drop in accident figures, HSE statistics revealed this week.
Why the long face?
Was I the only one cheered up by all your dire warnings of a future without hydrocarbons, uranium, cars and so on?
Face of the future in east London
Alsop has revealed these images of his £11.5m Docklands Light Railway station in Stratford, east London.
Extra M&E firms drafted in to Wembley
Two more M&E firms have been brought on to the Wembley site in an attempt to get the stadium completed in time for next year’s FA Cup final, writes Sarah Richardson.
McCarthy & Stone ‘strong’ despite profit fall
Retirement home specialist McCarthy & Stone this week reported a 14% fall in pre-tax profit and warned of another “testing year ahead”
Drop the dead duck
A collapsed roof at a superstore started a chain of events that demonstrates the foolishness of risking indemnity costs when a claim looks certain to fail
Glasgow’s ideal regeneration scheme to be completed
A housing association is launching a scheme to complete Glasgow’s showpiece Crown Street urban regeneration scheme.
Lawyers warn that contracts may not protect firms during cold spell
Lawyers have warned that construction companies could face legal and financial problems if Met Office predictions of a harsh winter come true.
A fresh twist on a modern classic
The library at the University of East Anglia represents the architecture of Sir Denys Lasdun at its unadulterated, domineering best. So how did Shepheard Epstein Hunter go about adding an extension to it 30 years on?
Miliband plans to shift power to cities
Communities minister David Miliband is preparing to give city councils power over regional transport, planning, regeneration, economic development and other areas.
The year of the carrot
In 2005 executives have enjoyed unprecedented bonus packages, as companies search for ways of getting peak performances from their upper echelon, according to the Ӱ/Hays Executive salary guide. But they’re also making them harder to collect …
Kajima to wind down UK construction business
Japanese contractor plans to turn to PFI investment after reporting £80m losses on PFI schools contracts
Skanska set to win first BSF contract
A Skanska-led consortium has been named preferred bidder for the government’s first Ӱ Schools for the Future contract.
Broadway Malyan to design scheme for Fourth Grace site
£80m mixed-use project to replace Alsop’s ‘Cloud’ in time for Liverpool’s reign as European City of Culture
Sheppard Robson takes over at Broadcasting House
Architect Sheppard Robson has been appointed to complete phase two of the BBC’s Broadcasting House redevelopment.
Bring on the Euro-directive
We are delighted that you devoted a whole publication to “the energy issue”.