All Ӱ articles in 2005 issue 50 – Page 4

  • Features

    Coping with a cold snap


    Can output growth continue as weather conditions worsen and demand takes a hit from rising tender prices? Experian Business Strategies runs down the key points of its contractors’ survey

  • Ӱ

    Ealing classic


    A media institute has been developed in west London as part of the Ealing, Hammersmith and West London College.

  • Gus Alexander

    A Christmas dinner


    When it comes to the economics of happiness, a guaranteed maximum price can entail unacceptable costs – as this festive tale demonstrates

  • Big bucks: Steelworkers will earn £1700 a week

    No Scrooges at Wembley this Christmas


    Steelworkers at Wembley stadium will be paid £1700 a week over Christmas in a last-ditch attempt to get the stadium’s roof built in time for this season’s FA Cup.

  • Ӱ

    Redrow may join troubled Urban Catalyst scheme


    Redrow Regeneration is in talks to join fellow developer Urban Catalyst on a £60m public–private regeneration scheme in Barking, east London.

  • Ӱ

    Buncefield explosion hits Sir Robert McAlpine’s HQ


    Contractor forced to quit Hemel Hempstead base by apocalyptic fire in neighbouring oil depot

  • Ӱ

    Industry figures queue up for roles on Olympic board


    Key players in the construction industry are gearing up to battle for places on the Olympics Delivery Authority board.

  • Ӱ

    Barker to lead second review of planning system


    Economist Kate Barker has been asked to lead a second review of the UK’s planning system. The government responded to Barker’s first report on housing supply last week.

  • Ӱ

    Marks Barfield consortium


    Architect Marks Barfield is forming a consortium to win Ӱ Schools for the Future work amid concerns that small practices are being forced out of the programme.

  • Simon Vivian (left) and John McDonagh …

    Waiting for Balfour


    Ten days ago it all looked so simple: Carillion had pulled off a spectacular deal by agreeing the friendly takeover of Mowlem, its similarly sized rival. Then the UK’s biggest contractor intervened …

  • Ӱ

    Bad weather delays Bovis tower


    Contractor Bovis Lend Lease is to claim an extension of time for “extreme weather conditions” after the £80m Bridgewater Place tower in Leeds fell four months behind schedule.

  • Cox: May have succumbed to pressure to sell

    Morrison quits schools race as AWG gears up for sale


    Contractor pulls out of bidding for Belfast schools as it emerges parent company may sell the business

  • Features

    The £6 House


    If you think John Prescott’s £60,000 house was a tall order, how would you cope with a budget of £6? Not too badly, if the efforts of the three teams who attended Ӱ’s housebuilding competition in London are anything to go by.

  • Ӱ

    Balfour heads league tables with £459m contract wins


    Balfour Beatty holds on to top spot in November as £300m civils job pushes Skanska up to second place

  • Ӱ

    Fresh setback for Procure 21 as boss Woolliscroft leaves


    The construction industry reacted with dismay this week at the surprise departure of Peter Woolliscroft, head of construction at Procure 21.

  • A

    Goodbye, 2005


    The year is gone, but not forgotten – or is it? Try our prize quiz to see what you remember …

  • Features

    Whatever happened to …2005


    A year can be a long time in construction. From the devastation of the South-east Asian tsumani to the jubilation of the Olympic win, by way of the mindbending confusion of the Ӱ Regulations, Mark Leftly charts the history of the good, bad and the straightforwardly weird

  • Denise Chevin

    2005: A landmark year


    Twelve months suddenly seems like a long time in contracting. There’s long been a theoretical debate within construction groups about what a contractor is, what it does – and whether that’s worth doing.

  • Ӱ

    Consultant wins £100m work after buyout


    Construction and property consultant DBK Back says it has won £100m of work since a management buyout in August.

  • Nuclear option: Aldermaston will begin a £1bn modernisation programme over the next three years

    Five firms set to share £1bn Aldermaston revamp


    Hundreds of engineers to receive special training to design upgraded nuclear weapons facilities