Are You Green Deal Competent?
Some firms who have successfully upskilled their workforce are already winning low carbon work. To show how it can be done CITB-ConstructionSkills went to film the firm Renocon, which is retrofitting flats in Hackney with insulation, to learn how they have taken advantage of existing retrofitting opportunities and understand how SME construction firms can get accredited to get involved in the Green Deal supply chain.
The Government’s ambitious home energy efficiency scheme - the Green Deal - is fast approaching bringing with it the promise of 60,000 jobs in the insulation sector and new investment.
The opportunity for the construction industry is there; however the industry has expressed scepticism about whether the smaller construction firms will be able to benefit from the initiative or whether they will be unable to compete with the larger firms.
Scepticism combined with an overall lack of knowledge about Green Deal and other low carbon building initiatives in the wider industry could cause a shortfall of trained and qualified installer when the scheme gets underway in October, as smaller firms fail to upskill and get accredited.
This could both put the Green Deal scheme behind schedule and cause smaller construction firms to lose out on work which could be vital during the economic downturn.
Some firms who have successfully upskilled their workforce are already winning low carbon work. To show how it can be done we went to film the firm Renocon, which is retrofitting flats in Hackney with insulation, to learn how they have taken advantage of existing retrofitting opportunities and understand how SME construction firms can get accredited to get involved in the Green Deal supply chain.