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Bus station cost breakdown
Estimated final accounts Cost £
Hard and soft landscaping 1,001,294
Covered central island 1,549,796
Travel shop and supervisor’s office 378,767
Ancillary building containing toilets and stores 149,079
Drainage and external services 251,200
TOTAL 3,330,136
Elemental cost analysis: central island building
gifa: 937 m2 Element cost £ £/m2 gifa
Substructure 82,734 88.30
Frame 165,630 176.77
Roof 187,805 200.43
External walls 442,806 472.58
Group element total 796,241 849.78
Internal finishes    
Floor finishes 49,225 52.53
Ceiling finishes 54,493 58.16
Group element total 103,718 110.69
Fittings and furnishings 435,788 465.09
Disposal installations 3,939 4.20
Water installations 3,254 3.47
Electrical installations 54,743 58.42
Protective installations 1,146 1.22
Communication installations 65,823 70.25
Builder’s work in connection with services 2,410 2.57
Group element total 131,315 140.13
TOTAL 1,549,796 1,653.99