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Liquid-applied waterproofing systems
Specification optionsCapital cost £/m²Net present value for 60 yearsService life years
Modified bitumen
Liquid modified bituminous system, minimum 3 mm thick, surface reflective coat40141Oct-20
Inverted roof: hot applied bitumen liquid membrane in two coats minimum 6 mm thick with reinforcement, protective sheet, insulation board, separation layer and 50 mm thick concrete paving slabs13113160
Polyester-based system
Polyester-based system, minimum 1.5 mm thick applied in two layers with pigmented top coat. Third-party assurance for 20 years’ life expectancy4211620
Polyester-based system, minimum 1.5 mm thick applied in two layers with pigmented top coat. Third-party assurance for 25 years’ life expectancy4811325
Polyurethane-based system
Polyurethane-based system, minimum 1.4 mm thick two layers. Third party assurance for 15 years’ life expectancy4013115
Polyurethane based system, minimum 2 mm thick, three layers. Third party assurance for 25 years’ life expectancy5011425