All Ӱ Buys a Pint articles – Page 3
Ӱ buys a pint … for Kinetics
Venues: The Gherkin, the Boleyn pub and the Riverside Chinese restaurant Topics: Corporate hospitality, Glen Medeiros, the fall of Connaught, Ian Dury Drinks: One bottle of La Cote Blanche Sancerre 2009, one gin and tonic, 15 pints of Guinness, 14 bottles of lager
Ӱ buys a pint … for Cameron Black
“And what about Stuart sleeping in the Scooby Doo costume?” laughs Alison. All heads turn to Stuart
Ӱ buys a pint ... for Humberts leisure
In the seventies you used to get lots of buff women with heaving breasts in vampire films, but now it’s just buff men
Ӱ buys a pint … for Turner & Townsend
How many traffic lights did you pass on your way to work this morning?
Ӱ buys a pint … for Chandler KBS
The memory of Thierry Henry’s handball seems to still cause noel physical pain
Ӱ buys a pint for... Alumet systems
“I’m thinking of going on holiday to Bangladesh,” remarks Dean as we get stuck into our first round of drinks
Ӱ buys a pint … for Conamar
Have you tried to buy a tweed jacket on eBay recently? If so, you’ll probably have noticed a seemingly inexplicable surge in prices.
Ӱ buys a pint … for Provelio
“Look, it’s perfectly simple. I want a caipirinha mule, a sherry martini, a cabernet merlot and one of those Polish beers. A Zweibacker, I think.”
Ӱ buys a pint … for EC Harris
It’s pretty well understood that if you gather any group of English people over a certain age together in any one place for any period of time they’ll start talking about house prices...
Ӱ buys a pint: Eckersley O’Callaghan
We’re in the King’s Head in Islington, north London, on the day that Britain officially declared its deepest recession since the thirties over – by a whisker
Ӱ buys a pint … for BSVP
Sitting sociably round a pub table, nursing our drinks, talk turns quickly to socialising; or rather, social networking. Both Steve and Justin, with their array of social sites (think LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter) chide Dave for his paltry cyber friendships
Ӱ buys a pint... for Stride Treglown
Within five minutes of sitting down it’s obvious this is going to be a long night
Ӱ buys a pint … for Watkins Gray International
Get a predominantly male crowd of people together in a pub, not all of whom know each other, and chances are they’ll end up talking about sport. In this case: motor racing
Ӱ buys a pint … Environ
The Running Horse is an appropriately named place for an evening with environmental consultant Environ
Ӱ buys a pint: The interiors group
“Do you watch Little Britain?” Adrian demands as I sit down. “Who does he look like? Go on, guess!”
Ӱ buys a pint … for London Basement Company
“He’s got a big beard …” ponders site foreman Tom
Ӱ buys a pint … for 39 essex street chambers
This is my first Ӱ Buys a Pint, but I learn quickly: if you want to get a group of people together and talk about something other than work, don’t pick barristers or a bar which one of the senior partners part-owns