The WSP rail director on emailing during Match of the Day, text banter, and using social media to keep an eye on his kids
What is your favourite website?
The website of the French town where I have a holiday home – something always seems to be happening but it is a challenge to translate. A welcome change from the rail industry.
What is your worst digital habit?
Checking emails on BlackBerry at the weekend and, even worse, responding when watching Match of the Day
iPhone/BlackBerry/Android. Which side are you on?
BlackBerry – but only because they’re company issue.
Are you into social networking?
Not really, but useful to track what my “kids” are up to – my two older daughters (30+) let me know what my 18 year old is doing. I can then wind her up – father’s prerogative.
I use LinkedIn for work but don’t believe in sharing my private life with the world.
Are you on Twitter? If so who do you recommend to follow?
No, although WSP is ().
What is your favourite app?
Only App I have is on iPod and is for Rugby Ӱ and Updates.
What is your preferred means of communication?
Direct (face to face or phone) but do use email for dissemination of information to wider audience. Text for light hearted banter.
What did you last buy online?
Air travel tickets.
PC or Mac?
PC – never used or had a Mac.
Guilty pleasures: Most played tunes from iTunes/Spotify?
I suppose my motivational one is “What have you done today to make you feel Proud” — Heather Small, I think.
Dave Darnell is UK rail sector director at WSP
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