The JTP architectural assistant on his crowded desktop, foreign adventures and what he would buy if he won the bingo
What is your favourite website?
BBC Ӱ or Google Maps – just love planning those adventures and exploring places that I will never get to see.
What is your worst digital habit?
Putting files on my desk top. It can be quite a backdrop sometimes and has often been referred to as a “doozy”.
iPhone/Blackberry/Android. Which side are you on?
I had a Blackberry and then converted to iPhone, for me iPhones are easier to use. I am a bit of technophobe. When I discover something new on it it’s like Christmas everyday.
Are you into social networking?
I was a late bloomer to Facebook and only used it to keep in contact with friends living overseas. I haven’t used LinkedIn or Twitter yet, but never say never. I think LinkdIn will be more useful for me.
What is your favourite app?
Plane App (PF Free); just the novelty of seeing where the plane is going and where it is from and wishing I was on that plane. It is great to see people’s reactions in the street when you are holding your phone up in the air.
What is your preferred means of communication?
Text, I like to keep things short. Email too – it gives me time to think.
What did you last buy online?
A boat ticket to Bilbao I try and avoid flying where possible; it makes the adventure more fun and find you tend to interact with more people than you would on a plane where you are herded on and sit in solitude.
PC or Mac?
I have a PC although I would love a Mac. Maybe when I win the bingo.
Guilty pleasures: Most played tunes from iTunes/Spotify?
Song For Zulu, by Phosphorescent – a friend from Vienna introduced me to this song a couple of weeks ago. Although I tend to ruin songs I play too often.
Pavane by Gabriel Fauré – this helps me relax, especially at the moment with the studio working at full capacity. It also reminds me of World Cup 98.
Such a Funny Night by Aphrodite’s Child – I was brought up on 60’s music from my mother. I tend to borrow her records but never return them.
Paul Cowling ia an architectural assistant at John Thompson & Partnerss
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