You’re more likely to get an email rather than a phone call from this sporty design director and that’s not his only bad digital habit
What is your favourite website?
What is your worst digital habit?
Continually checking the weather websites wherever I am or going too ( I cycle to work and cycle (train for triathlon races) at weekends
iPhone/Blackberry/Android. Which side are you on?
I have a business Blackberry but would like an iPhone
Are you into social networking? (Linkedin, Twitter, Facebook etc)
Linkedin - Most people search your Business website and then review individuals by Linkedin
Are you on Twitter? If so who do you recommend to follow?
@CS_aped !!
What is your favourite app?
BBC ¾«¶«Ó°ÊÓ/ Sport
What is your preferred means of communication? (eg. Email, phone, face to face, text etc)
Bad habit of e-mailing rather than phoning
What did you last buy online?
Weekly shopping/ Books from Amazon
PC or Mac?
Use a PC at work but prefer Mac’s - Much better ‘environment’ and they look better
Guilty pleasures: Most played tunes from iTunes/Spotify?
Ministry of Sound - Running Trax - Keeps my mind off the pain when running training / Madame Butterfly when working through concept/ feasibility studies at home (while trying not to sing along!!)
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