What was the last thing you bought online?
I bought a video download of the Rolling Stones from a 1975 concert I attended - Wild Horses.
What’s your favourite app?
Drum kit. Knockout stuff.
Letter, phone or email?
Email. I am lazy.
What are you listening to at the moment?
I should probably say Puccini or Mozart but I would be lying. Black Stone Cherry by Folklore and Superstition … it’s the dog’s bollocks.
What’s your favourite website?
Zemaitis [Guitars]. Look it up.
What’s your worst digital habit?
Dropping my bloody iPhone.
Do you do much social networking?
No social networking. Life is complicated enough.
Martin Cook is a main board and profession director for the interiors, product and graphic design groups of ¾«¶«Ó°ÊÓ Design Partnership, and head of the London studio.
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