Do you think regional devolution will have a positive impact on the construction industry? Vote here
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Keep up to dateDo you think regional devolution will have a positive impact on the construction industry? Vote here
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2015-07-08T10:34:00Z By Joey Gardiner
Howard Davies’ Airports Commission has come down emphatically in favour of a third runway at Heathrow, but the politics are so fraught and planning issues so labyrinthine that a final decision still looks a long way off
2015-07-01T06:01:00Z By Mark Leftly
Freed from the shackles of coalition government, chancellor George Osborne will be outlining some quite different policies and priorities when he presents his emergency Budget next week
2015-06-04T06:00:00Z By Editorial - Joey Gardiner
Our Inside Westminster series continues with a look at the government’s plans to devolve powers to mayor-led cities and regions
2025-03-05T11:56:00Z By Deborah Madden
The CITB’s executive director finds much to be positive about in the latest trends – but warns against complacency
2025-03-03T07:00:00Z By Richard Steer
The prime minister has a golden opportunity to inject confidence in the UK for investors, developers and financiers, says Richard Steer. Only then will his much-touted growth agenda stand a chance
2025-02-28T07:00:00Z By Heather Holbrook
Five years on from the first lockdown, lessons have been learnt and the industry has managed to move forward, Heather Holbrook of Thomas & Adamson writes
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