As Prince Charles pooh-poohed Lord Rogers’ design and proposed Quinlan Terry instead, nearly 1,000 readers rushed to our online poll to tell us which they prefer. The results so far? Terry 67%, Rogers 33%

emily crompton Rogers’ scheme by far – let us all remember that the world’s greatest and most iconic buildings were “modern” and “groundbreaking” in their day. It is time to embrace new architecture and a new London.
Germelou Definitely Rogers. Green, user-friendly, open, adventurous … everything Charles & Co aren’t.
Nick F Would the Quinlan Terry scheme have walls made from wattle and daub and have bards in ruffs playing lutes skipping down the corridors?
RA I vote for Rogers. Why should anyone bother what Charles thinks? This is the 21st century and it’s thoroughly inappropriate to produce some pseudoperiod style.
paulo Why is the Q Terry sketch even a proposal? How can a five minute napkin doodle be considered a worthy response to the current Rogers proposal? Are we so short of architectural vision that we respond to the immediate context with overwrought and out-of-scale pastiche? Shame on Terry for leading the “middling” monarch down the garden path.
Medium Rare It must be very nice for Lord Rogers’ critics to design a beautiful building without having to consider the economics of the project …
Flora This is an absolute farce, obviously Q Terry is the clear choice, I have no doubt that Rogers’ design is all very nice for a different environment but Mr Terry's design is more sympathetic to the surrounding area. I am a modernist but even I am shocked by the brutality of Rogers’ design.
Christina Terry's scheme offers dignified housing for generations to come. He provides a timeless solution with far better views and access to the public spaces – a good investment for the city because it will never become a dated blight.
Dino Quinlan Terry's scheme is common sense and beautiful and would be preserved by future generations. Richard Rogers’ scheme is an ugly, boring throwback to the seventies (hardly futuristic – please!) and is destined to be demolished either when it falls apart or when people come to their senses, whichever happens first.
Greg The Rogers proposal is no less dated than Terry’s. The difference is that classicism has proven it can create good urban places, while modernism has proven that it can’t.
Charles McDowell 100% Quinlan Terry! Where is ‘London’ in Rogers’ project? Stop the standardisation of our cities by starchitecture!
2 Readers' comments