This camera can be used to broadcast the on-site progress of high-profile projects. It can be set to take photos of its subject at periodic intervals or to film continuously. Web Cams cost between £50 and £250 and are available from all major computer suppliers.
Regular news updates
Up-to-date news gives your website a sense of immediacy and is a good indication that the site is carefully managed and maintained. A news ticker provides movement and gives a "live" feel to any site.
Bullet points rather than reams of text
Short, concise chunks of information are quick and easy to read. People use the internet because they want information fast.
Light relief through old photos
Images break up imposing blocks of text and some old sepia prints of your company's founders can add intrigue. For newer companies, use your imagination.
Link up with other relevant websites
Provide a link between your site and a client's, or a government site providing more information on a topic that concerns you, such as partnering. It is a controversial point, but well worth considering.