Where's your website? If you have a website then let everyone know about it. Include the address on your letterheads, any promotional material and on your business cards – wherever you can.

And how about your address? For those with websites, make sure your address and telephone number are prominently displayed. Amazingly, a huge number of companies don't put their address on their websites – or bury the info six pages deep inside the site.

Avoid acronyms â€“ especially if you are a smaller business. So many firms now refer to themselves in acronyms that it can be difficult to make your letters stand out from the rest of the crowd. So beware …

Photo opportunity A picture says a thousand words. If you are sending out promotional pictures, invest in a good photographer and some imaginative thinking. A line of smiling people may show who's who – but it's not eye-catching.

Use your business cards Make sure all your details are on your card and take them with you wherever you go – you never know when the next prospective client will appear.