A Wates safety initiative raises £5,000 to buy a guide dog puppy. Ahh...
Wates’ client, Infineum, has sponsored a guide-dog puppy with money raised through a no-accident initiative.
The £5000 puppy was bought for charity Guide Dogs for the Blind using money raised through a safety incentive scheme at Wates’s site for Infineum, a global lubricant and fuel additives company. Infineum contributed a sum to the charity each month there were no accidents on the site, as part of group’s ‘zero-accident’ programme. No accidents occurred in the first six months of the scheme, which began in April.
The project, which includes the construction of a new research and technical centre, has one of the most rigorous health and safety regimes in Wales. Its protective measures include a mandatory eye protection policy, careful site traffic management systems, a full-time safety manager and incentive schemes.
The puppy sponsorship scheme was one such incentive. It certainly seems to have won the hearts of workers, despite its dubious launch date of April 1st. The dog has been called Millie after a naming competition amongst site employees.