Foster and Partners almost photoshops ex-colleague Ken Shuttleworth out of a team photograph.
Apparently there are no hard feelings between architectural heavyweights Lord Foster and his former design partner Ken Shuttleworth, but The Independent's diarist has uncovered evidence to suggest that this might not be the case.
After industry murmurs about whose genius really was behind the erotic gherkin – many credit Shuttleworth with being the unsung hero of the design – it seems that Lord Foster is involved in a little design, ahem, issue, of his own, as proofs of his latest Works book are sent to press.
A team photo, in which Shuttleworth and Lord Foster stood shoulder to shoulder has been edited to demote Shuttelworth to the edge of the shot.
Since Shuttleworth left Foster’s practice in December 200 a further 18 staff have jumped ship to follow him.